😤Arguments with PTG😤

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-would probably start over something that's been bugging him for a while, but he just hasn't said anything about it

-"why do you always leave your cup on the counter"

-then it'll start to get more heated

-he'll start to give you the one face he gives the members when he's talking about something serious

-you'll both end up getting really frustrated but keeping your mouth shut to keep from saying anything mean about each other

-"I'm sorry Jinho. I'll put my cups in the sink from now on I promise"

-"I shouldn't have gotten mad at you like that... I'm sorry too"


-very heated

-I don't think he'd argue about something trivial it'd be more serious with him

-which means bigger blow ups

-would probably end up saying something to hurt your feelings on accident.

-would immediately apologize once the words left his mouth.

-would feel bad and regret it.

-the argument/ what he said would end up being a joke to you two.

-even tho it still hurt him that he actually said that


-wouldn't be much of an argument tbh

-you would just be mad at him and he'd sit there looking like "what"

-his face would say he wasn't listening but he's actually paying attention to what you're saying

-In the end the "argument" doesn't last long because it's just you yelling while he listens to you.


-Another member who's argument isn't really an argument

-it's more of a debate. Like you're just speaking to each other about your sides of the story and have ur notes in Times New Roman 12pt font.

-not really but you get my point

-"you see Miss. I understand the stand point which you are coming from. But if you were the last one to get home, you should've done the dishes before you went to bed. As I was already asleep"

-"But you see Mr. Yang....If so happened to be home already, and there were dishes in the sink...you, Mr. Yang Hongseok, should have washed the dishes...Since I was working"


-he's a hot head so it'll probably be really bad

-a few curse words from u and him here and there

-you guys will probably be tense for a few days. Still talking to each other but tense.

-"shinwon pass me the milk"


-nobody will really apologize but you'll go back to normal couple things pretty soon.

-eventually after maybe a week/ week and a half you'll both apologize for what you said/ did.

-but only if it's really bad

Yeo One:

-the fights would end really quickly

-idk I can see him getting into fights

-maybe more like nagging each other

-like he asked you to take the trash out and you forgot and he got annoyed and nagged you

-the you got annoyed because you only forgot and it's not the end of the world

-in the end it's just you guys playfully teasing/nagging each other without any real emotion


-he's the type to not say anything that's bothering him and holds it all in until he can't anymore

-then he comes out with a whole list

-he's not really yelling at you though. Just loudly talking

-"you don't even finish your laundry I have to finish it for you"

-"and you always leave your plates on the coffee table after you finish eating and watching tv"

-you can't even argue with him because all the things he says are true

-so you apologize and promise to do better


-another one who just kinda sits there and listens to you

-he doesn't meet your eyes and looks at the floor while listening to you talk

-is really paying attention because he's more concerned with fixing the problem than arguing with you

-ends up suggesting how you should both change.

-you end up feeling guilty and dumb that you didn't think of that before


-I feel like there's two types of arguments with him

-the ones with the Times New Roman font and the ones that are just you yelling until you cry

-In which case he'll just hug you and comfort you and let you get it all out until you're done.

-The Times New Roman arguments are kinda like Hongseok's, but softer ya know?

-With Hongseok it's a very walled up structure argument and with Kino its like:

-"Yes baby, I understand that I was late coming home, but I did text you and tell you that I was going to be late, and that I was sorry"

-"I know. But I was really hoping you were going be home. I made us dinner and everything and had to eat alone"

-both of you: "I'm sorry"


-there isn't many arguments with him

-until you ask him to get you something too much

-like if he's in the other room and you're like "wooseoookk can you turn off the lighhttt?"

-he'll come do it

-but he's not happy

-because he was watching One Piece and had to pause his episode

-"y/nnnn why do I always have to do it"

-"because I'm tirrreeed Wooseok"

-"but I was watching One Pieeecceee"

-"Okay okay I'm sorry it won't happen again"

-"thank you"

-yeah that's all I see happening I can't see Wooseok having a full blown argument with someone. 

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