babies ~ jinho (day eight)

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A/N: so if you remember the last Jinho imagine I did (before 30 day challenge) it was with a girl named Sydney. This is them about a year after. There isn't any references to that story, but I thought it'd be cute to do a little "where are they now" type thing.

Anyway! Same people!

Sydney POV:

"Jinho baby~" I whine, rolling over to lazily sling an arm around my husband—groaning as the sun beams through the curtains. Jinho huffs in response to my arm, and rolls over to face me.

"Good morning beautiful, how did you sleep?" He asks me, brushing a loc of brown hair behind my ear. The warmth of the covers, and his body heat radiating underneath have warmed my heart like a fresh cup of hot chocolate. So the sudden sweet act almost boils my cup.

I coddle Jinho's hand—pulling it from my cheek and smoothing it over with a thumb. I take a deep breath and bring the conversation down to a more serious tone, "There's....something I need to tell you..."

Yesterday, I went to the doctor's for a completely normal checkup, as I am pregnant. Me and Jinho have already set up our baby room for our little Rugrat, but I'm unsure of how to tell him we'll have to double everything we already bought...

"Hold that thought babe," Jinho says, scooting in closer to place a loving kiss on my forehead, then rolling out of the bed—almost slamming to the floor.

"I want to eat breakfast first before we get serious."

I snicker at him, rolling my eyes and carefully placing a hand on my inflated stomach. When Jinho exits the room, I sit upright against the headboard, and look down to my children. "Oh thing one and two...I have to tell your father soon!" I explain to them, then grunt in pain as I feel one of them kick in response.

Jinho screams from the living room, and the sound of sizzling bacon pops in my ears as does the savory smell with my nose, "YOU OKAY?!"

"YEAH I'M GOOD JINHO GO BACK TO COOKING!!" I scream in response, hauling my legs over to the side of the bed in order to get up. With two kids inside of me, I've swelled up to the size of a hippo who just ate a package of balloons. Despite this, Jinho treats me as if he doesn't see any of it.

I slide into the kitchen while leaning backward. An arm braced on my back for extra stability. Jinho is busy watching the bacon sizzle when I enter the room. But one grunt, a little louder than normal, and he shoots me a worried look, then skates over to help me. He played an arm at my back and one out in front of us, walking me through the kitchen to the barstools in front of the stove. When we finally arrive at the barstools, Jinho pulls one out for me, and helps me get seated—even asking me if I was okay before tending to the bacon.

"Jinho you're too good to me," I pout resting my elbows on the counter, poking my lip out, and batting my eyes. Jinho catches one swift glimpse of my shy, coy act and snickers.

"That isn't just your kid in there, it's mine too!"

I suck air through my teeth and jerk my head to the side, "well Jinho..."

Jinho quickly takes the bacon off the pan and transfers it to a plate and napkin. When he's finished, he roughly places his hands on the table—half slamming them—and gives me a glare filled with confusion and slight fear. If anyone else were watching, they'd assume he was angry with me. But knowing Jinho for a while, differentiating his emotions isn't a challenge for me.

"What do you mean?"

"We aren't having A baby..." I say, putting minimal emphasis on the word 'A'. The emphasis is still there, just not as much as there should be.

Jinho's head rolls forward and he shakes his head in disbelief—hands balling in fists against the granite countertops. Part of me feels bad for telling him only half the truth, yet the other part of me is loving this. Slightly evil, yet very fun.

Despite being visibly upset, Jinho asks, "Are you okay though Sydney?" His hands still balled up on the counter.

"More than fine actually! I feel great!!" I smile, holding my chin in both of my hands.

Jinho's face goes white, and his hands release in one jolting shock. For the next few seconds, he glares at me, trying to figure out why I'm smiling in such a grim situation.

"What is wrong with—"

"I feel great with two babies inside me, " I smile, folding my hand against my stomach.

Jinho, who's too stressed at our child's 'death', doesn't catch what I said. "Are you sure you're okay?

"Yes Jinho. Surprisingly two babies doesn't feel much different than one."

"I see..."

"TWOOOooo babies," I smile, dragging out the word 'two', praying his mind will soon put two and two together and make a connection.

Jinho bites his lip and holds his chin in the nook of his thumb and pointer finger, "Right uh-huh..."

I sigh, wondering how much more obvious I can get. Jinho, who still doesn't get it, walks over to the fridge, and yanks out a tub of ice cream. I watch the toned muscles in his shoulders shift as he makes his way to grab two spoons, before plopping down on the barstool next to me.

He rips the lid off the tub and pushes it toward me. "Here you go Sydney baby, maybe this will help." Jinho sadly smiles at me, leaning back and using the edge f the counter as support. His head flops down, defeated, and his hand start picking at one another.

In my last attempt to break the news, I ask, "Can you pass the bacon too?"

"Umm..yeah but, why do you want the—"

I interrupt him, barely letting him pause between words,"I think my cravings are worse with the twins we're having...."

Then silence.

The calm before the storm.

Jinho then shoots out of the barstool, almost toppling it over, "Twins?! We're...we're...we're having twins?!" He shouts, and I cringe at the expectation of our neighbors making a noise complaint.

Regardless, with a bright, cheeky smile on my face I nod my head rapidly. Then watch as Jinho springs into a victory lap—arms high in the air, mouth wide open and shouting, and eyes lit up with the most excitement I've seen since he found out I was pregnant.

After the fifth victory lap—and almost shattering a lamp, Jinho runs over to me and kisses me lovingly, like this would be our last. When he pulls away his hands cling to my arms as he looks at me like I'm prettier than the moon—though I haven't even brushed my teeth yet.

"Sydney you have no idea how happy I am! I promise to take care of you, and our two beautiful kids!!" Jinho smiles widely—stretching from ear to ear. He then takes a few steps from me and shouts, " I'M A FATHER OF TWO!!!"

A/N: pssttt if you haven't already go read my story Made in Japan~ when it gets to 3K I'm doing a face reveal!!

Or when I reach 40 followers! Whichever comes first!!💕😉

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