bookworm~changgu (day sixteen)

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A/N: don't really have much to say..let's get into it!

Jihue POV:

"Fuck Changgu!"


My head slams onto the hardwood of the table, pounding from mental strain and now physical pain. "I'm not going to understand the equation if you don't help me."

Changgu adjusts his glasses, poised and properly sitting on his chiseled nose. "I already helped you Ms. Kim, now please, finish the equation."

I sigh and pick up my pencil, blankly staring at the long list of x's and y's--which begin to intimidate me into submission. Changgu was the smartest boy in class. Literally, the teacher was required to give him extra work. He finished every lesson she had planned for us through the entire semester. To my advantage, he was seated next to me in class. But to my pity, Changgu wasn't the kindest soul to people who weren't able to process information at his computer fast speed.

Generally, I was pretty smart; made A's and B's kept an average gpa of above 3.5. But math has driven me to tears this semester--not that I haven't sobbed my eyes dry over math before--but this time I actually feel the falling pit of doom deep in my heart, along with the tears beginning to bead up on the bottom of my eyes.

I shakily hover my pencil above the 3x, "Don't I--"

Changgu then wraps his hand over mine. His hand isn't gigantic, but it still well covers mine. With his hand, he forces mine to hover above the number 8, drawn by two circles stacked on top of each other. I wasn't smart, but at least I could draw an 8 that didn't appear to be a snowman. My chin slowly leads my head to turn his direction--his shining, yet slightly annoyed eyes catching mine, caressing them before his words slam me to reality.

"Even an eighth grader knows you start with the--"


"WHAT THE HELL?!" Changgu yells, rises to his feet, and whips his head at me--quickly recovering from the smack on the face I just gifted him. From the way he recovered with an incredible speed, it's a given he's been smacked that hard before.



My face squints and squirms. I was aware not everyone was going to like me, but for him, there wasn't a given reason as to why he would treat me like a wad of gum on the bottom of his shoe. In class, I was the only one who talked to him. Since most people thought his smarts were intimidating, he wasn't given much attention. He also always he wanted to talk to someone--like secretly he liked talking to people, despite his spiky outside.

Guess I was wrong.


Changgu stops in his tracks, his face whitening, and his hands going still by his sides. His eyes flicker an ounce of pain, before he settles his gaze onto the carpet of my room. My mom had begun to pay him for tutoring me, especially after he helped me receive an 'A' on my last Unit test. Changgu was a smart, handsome, semi-okay guy, but settling for being treated like the front slice of bread was beyond detrimental to my mental health.

For a few beats he doesn't say anything, nothing at all. The metal piece of his glasses slowly slicks down his tanned skin--more orange-toned because of lighting. There's a slight, boyish charm to Changgu when his face is brightened by an orange lamp, as if he belongs in a academia drama of some sort. Or even the main love interest in a k-drama.

I'm still left standing there, hands balled into fists, when Changgu huffs a large, angry breath of air through his nose--face furrowing and twisting in anger--and storms through my door, not bothering to look back at my distraught, shocked facial expression.

Me and Changgu fought like this all the time, but he never walked out on me. The door was always open for either him, or I to leave, but we never did. Secretly, there's this pull--like a string attached to my chest--pulling me towards his center--his heart. The warmth of his face when he leaned in a little too close always radiated from his cheek, and bounced plush hues of red and pink along my nose. I hated to admit it, because he treated me with such disrespect--I liked him, I liked him a whole lot.

Angry, my feet stomp to the edge of the door and hallway, "OH YEAH WALK IT OFF PRINCESS!!" I scream at him, crossing my arms around my midsection, running to my bed, and then leaping into the air to crash on the plethora of pillows. Cooling my face off in the pillows, I snuggle my cheek into one of my stuffed animals. Stacy, a raccoon.

I whisper to her, "Stacy I'm sorry you had to see that he's just so mean to me--"

"Well I think he likes you!" Stacy replies.

I scoff, shaking the color from my cheeks, "you're insane Stacy."

"I agree with the raccoon," a voice, who isn't Stacy, says from behind me.


I flare my nostrils and give him the hardest death stare I could manage. Changgu folds apologetically, and flicks with his nails. As he stands in the doorway, his position shows off his broad chest, and how gracefully the white dress shirt falls without touching his chest.

Pretending he didn't catch me staring, he only let's a slight smirk tug at the corner of his lips. Then, slowly prowls over to the edge of the bed where I'm seated, one sultry leg after the other. A tiger on the hunt--his eyes filled with lust, and his tongue flicking over his lip before his teeth grab it.


"I've had all this time, to think about why I want to scream everytime I see you, yet you're the one who figured it out for me," he slows, breathing me in. His knee brushes against mine as he approaches the bed, the heat in my core rising to bubble the nervousness in my stomach. I gulp dry air, my mouth a desert.

Changgu leans down, resting his palms on the bed, the head of his face closer than we've ever been. The red-pink lips filling his face gravitating towards mine. Like a second nature, I twist my head to adapt to him, and slowly close my eyes, praying he won't back away, praying he'll come through.

The kiss is loose, soft, a delicate kiss, apologizing for his previous actions. His lips almost feel like soft cotton candy on mine; the taste similar in sweetness as well. With another push, I melt into him, giving him full control of the kiss. I've ached for this moment. Where I could press my lips against his, hold him and call him mine. I couldn't before because I thought he hated me. Funny how it turned out to be the opposite. All the frustration from not being able to do anything with each other, came out in yelling and screaming.

So when Changgu lifts his shirt over his head, I don't bother to protest.


A/N: face reveal soon~~~

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