🎤PTG during KARAOKE🎤

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-the one who picks all of the hard songs

-just to show off his vocals

-but only sings like three songs because he doesn't want to seem

-c o c k y

-the members force him to rap

-and of course he does well

-because this is MU$H we're talking about

-is teased for his rapping skills even though he's good

-isn't really encouraging when watching other people sing

-but isn't discouraging either

-literally just sits there and politely watches while swaying'


-usually chooses the party-ish songs

-the type of songs to bring everybody together

-so you're all screaming and bouncing up and down

—pretty soon someone chooses a more vocal song he's forced to sing

-tries to avoid it as much as possible though

-ends up having to sing anyway

-and as always, kills it

-is also super encouraging

-is most definitely hyping you up 24/7

-aggressively shaking a tambourine

-doing that weird dance he does with his hands in the air

-tries to dance with Kino

-but Kino runs away


-jumping from place to place

-literally from the couch to the door in one go

-screaming at the top of his lungs into the mic

-definitely messes up the other members while they're concentrating

-and has no remorse about it either

-probably drinks.a whole bottle of soju by himself

-when its finally his turn he picks a chill song

-R&B Rap type of chill

-Hold on we're going home by Drake

-His voice is so unique that it sounds like a completely different song entirely

-which is a good thing

-cheers other people on

-but only at the end of the songs


-orders all the food

-and I mean ALL the food

-he has the best food choices so no one complains

-is usually singing the hype songs with Hui

-while dancing on the couch

-only sings vocal songs with someone

-usually it's changgu

-cause he doesn't want to sing vocally with jinho or hui

-cause I mean...their vocal gods

-is really hype but not as hype as Hui

-while just dance by next to the person singing

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