🔗Chapter 16🔗

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'The weirdest thing about pretending to be dead is that after a while, you actually start feeling like you're dead. As in 'dead as a doornail' dead. For starters, i was underground as if in a tomb. Granted, I was hiding out in Dilton's doomsday bunker and not in a coffin, but still.

Two weeks, no sunlight, with no sense of time or its passing? It's gotta be what Limbo feels like, right? Other similarities to being dead. Not one, but two obituaries about me ran. Arather perfunctory one in the Riverdale Register. A second, more irreverent one in the Blue and Gold.

I liked that one. I had a funeral. Well, a wake. I watched it on my laptop. Live-streamed from a camera the girls had set up in the living room. We suspected that the Stonies would show up, and, sure enough, they did. We wanted to study themto see if anything they did was suspicious.
Not that there was any doubt in our minds about their guilt. The Preppies had stone-cold murdered me and were trying to pin it on Betty. We just couldn't prove it.

Not yet. Meanwhile... The hardest part of playing dead was letting everyone belive i was in the semi-sweet hereafter. Our family, our friends. The lies we had to tell. The things we had to do to sell that illusion'

Mila walked down the hall, Sweet Pea's arm slung around her shoulders ad they walked down the hall, blank looks on their faces. She passed by her friends, giving them a look before looking bak forward. She had to 'spiral'.

'Like pretending that m bereft girlfriend had found comfort in the strong, steely arms of her closest friend and that she had abandoned her old ones. Which turned out to be the greatest miscirect of them all. Of course we needed to let some people know the truth. Except in one case. My kid sister Jellybean didn't have to be told.

Jellybean walked into room, Mila sitting up on Betty's bed. "Oh, you found the fake blood. Thanks, Jellybean." Betty smiled.

"Do you need it for Jughead?"

Mila and Betty shared a look, "What? What do you... what do you mean?" Mila asked, tilting her head.

"Do you need it to help my brother?"

The best friends shared another look, Mila nodding, "Jellybean, do you know where Jughead is?"

"I heard you guys talking to Charles on the phone last night." She chuckled. "The walls are super thin." She glanced over to Mila, the brunette's eyes widening at the double meaning. "You don't have to tell me where he is, just that he's okay. Is he? Okay?"

"Can you keep a secret?" Mila asked, standing up off the bed.

'They brought my dad into it pretty quick too.'

Mila walked into Fp's office, "Hey." She smiled.

"Hey, M. I, uh, i gave that bloody rock to Charles, he said the FBI is gonna have it tested."

"And when they do, they will tell you that it's covered in fake blood that you can buy at the drugstore." Mila said, moving closer to his desk.

"The hell are you talking about?" Fp chuckled.

"I don't want you to worry anymore. Fp, I'm really sorry that you've been worrying, but i didn't know how to tell you. Jughead's fine." She nodded. "He's... okay, he's not fne, but he's okay-"

Comatose|| Jughead JonesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon