🔗Chapter 8🔗

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'After a brief hiatus, Riverdale's Watcher in the 'burbs had released his much-anticipated follow-up. In the dead of night, the second round of voyeuristic videotapes had been left on doorsteps across town. Once again, VCRs were dusted off with dread. And once again, they played hours upon hours of footage of the viewers' home. Only this time the camera was much, much closer. The implications were terrifying. What was next for the Watcher? Breaking and entering?

And as if those deliveries weren't enough,

colleges and universities had started sending out their first wave of envelopes. Some thin, some thick. All life-changing. Making it a particularly stressful time for Riverdale High seniors. This is why Principal Honey asked the school's guidance counselor, Mrs. Burble, to offer extended office hours. 

So whatever anxiety the students were feeling, they'd have a licensed professional to go to for confidential comfort and/or advice. Something, it turned out, many of us were long overdue for.' 


Mila sighed, hearing her phone ring again. She groaned, shutting it completely on. Lately, Mila had been on edge, even after seeing her boyfriend, she was on edge. She wasn't on good terms with her brother, therapy seemed to make her feel worse, and she felt stuck. School just added to the stress. 

And now the fact with college around the corner she was even more stressed, she hadn't even applied to any, and as the days went on and homework was drowning her, college seemed impossible. 

Her door flew open and Betty walked in angrily. "You okay?" Mila asked, closing her textbooks, and pushing them to the side so the blonde could sit. 

"No!" Betty groaned, "My mom, it's like, ugh!" Mila's eyes widened, tilting her head. "First, she opened my mail, and then i didn't get into Yale, and then she looks through my room and finds my birth-control." She ranted. "I can't take it anymore." Mila frowned, not knowing what to say. She never had to deal with this with her mom. Betty seemed to realize that and frowned, "I'm sorry, M." 

"It's okay." Mila smiled. "But, you should really put a lock on your door, like changing the locks." 


Mila sat in Chemistry, tapping her fingers on the desk. The door opened, a student-office-aid walking in. Mila watched as she walked out, going back to her not paying attention. 

"Mila James." Mila looked up seeing her teacher staring at her. He waved the little yellow slip, Mila grabbing her bag and getting up. She walked out of the room, seeing the box next to the word Counselor marked off. She furrowed her brows, making her way up the stairs. 


Mila frowned, knocking on Mrs. Burble's door. "Uh, you asked to see me?" Mila asked confused. 

"Yes, yes, come in." She smiled, gesturing for the brunette to come and sit. Mila sat in the chair across from her. "Now, i called you in because i was looking, you're grades are fine, a C average, but, you haven't applied to any colleges." 

Mila sighed, nodding. "Yeah, uh, I don't think college is for me." She admitted, "And I've had a lot going on lately with my brother that I haven't really had time to apply." Mila admitted. 

"You're brother?" She frowned, leaning closer, "Last time i checked, Fp had custody of you, you're brother wasn't around?" 

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