🔗Chapter 14🔗

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      'Well, it finally happened. The moment we've all been waiting for. A fire in the woods. Three friends in their underwear, covered in blood.' 

Archie lifted his hand, throwing Jughead's beanie into the fire. 

'My iconic beanie up in smoke. Driving back to Riverdale, they didn't say one word to each other. Mila had already gone home, luckily they didn't have to face her. They should've, they should've gotten their stories straight. 

Betty entered her house, rushing upstairs. She peeked into the room to see Mila fast asleep. Mila groaned, rolling over, Betty froze, tears coming to her eyes. She rushed into her room, looking around and pacing, starting to cry. She had just killed her best friends boyfriend. 

'That's the thing about murder. You gotta have the stomach for it.' 

Betty rushed to the trashcan, throwing up at the thought. 

'Especially if all signs point to you having committed it.'

The next day, the three had avoided Mila at all costs. The three sat in Pop's trying to get their story straight. "Toga Party, strip poker, and skinny-dipping. Those are three wildly different activites. If our parents comapr notes, we coul be in deep, deep trouble." Betty sighed. 

"I panicked, Betty. I blurted out the first thing that came to mind." Archie huffed. 

"Me too." 

"Me, three, but this is exactly the kind of mistake we can't afford to make. Charled made that abundantly clear."  Betty explained. 

"I-I keep thinking we should've called someone other than Charles." Archie stated. 

"No, Charles was the right call to make. Who else were we gonna call? Mila?" Betty rushed out. "Charles had experience dealing with-" 

"Bodies." Veronica frowned. "Dead bodies." 

"As a matter of fact, yeah. He's an expert. Without him, we would be in jail right now." 

"For what?" Veronica frowned, "We didn't even do anything, did we? Did we, Betty?"  Betty stared at veronica silently, not knowing what to say, "When Archie and I found you an Jughead-" 

"I had just found Jughead, too." Betty blurted out. 

"You were holding the rock." 

"Yes, I... I picked up the rock. That was a stupid mistake. I played right into their trap. Those psychotic preppies are trying to frame us for murder." 

"Why us?" Veronica groaned, "They barely know us." 

"Okay, Me, then. Or Mila." Betty shruged, "They're trying to frame me for Jughead's murder. That has to be their plan. They wanted me or her to be caught red-handed, standing over Jughead's body, with my DNA smeared all over everything."

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