Chapter 13

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Jimin and Yoongii were walking side by side in a park silently for a while. It was midnight; even the night-guard fell asleep somehow. They intended not to disturb anyone by stepping silently. Later, they dusted a bench and Yoongii started speaking,

"They both are really happy with each-other, aren't they?"

"Yes, they are.", Jimin replied with a bit sadistic tone.

Yoongi usually doesn't show much affection to anyone. But, in case of Jimin, he can't help showing love since the day he saved Jimin from the cave of werewolves. Watching him a bit sad about the fact, Yoongii came near him; patting his shoulder he said,

"Mera is learning Martial art from you, Boxing from Jungkook, swordsmanship from me and archery from Hoseok. The Prince himself is in our debt that we're preparing his life-companion as a fighter for our race. You should be proud of it. Besides, she is such a sweet girl that anyone around her would start liking her if they gossip with her even just for a bit. It's great to know that our next queen is such kind and friendly. I'm sure if the Almighty helps us, we're gonna witness the best time the whole vampire race has ever seen."

Being motivated and inspired, Jimin nodded with his chin up lighting his mood.

"And, one more thing."

"Yes, hyung (brother)?"

"Why don't you stop running after the one who cannot be yours and give the one more time who wants to be yours?"

Jimin wasn't prepared for this surprise. His eyes widened lightening like the full moon; "You mean?", he asked shockingly.

"You met a girl on the day of the anniversary of the castle, remember? Her name was Jennifer."

"Yeah, I do."

"I was enjoying my wine standing on the balcony. Suddenly I found some girls were talking about you two while looking at you guys. They were saying something like, she likes you since you performed that group performance with martial art tactics on the day of our festival and prepared herself specially just for standing in front of you to have a short chit-chat. "

"Really? Woah! you could tell me that before."

"I think I told you at the right time.", Yoongii gave a sassy smile.

They both kept walking silently listening to Moonchild sharing an earphone together,

I left, but can never get to leave once
You say you wanna die, but live it much harder
You say you wanna let go but put on another weight
Thinking of not thinking at all is still a thinking, you know
Actually this is our destiny, you know
Smiling in endless pain, you know
There is no 'freedom' when you say 'freedom' out loud, you know
Do you know?
In the moon hours, look at the night sky through the eyes of your soul
Gonna show it to you, your window, your time
You know, there's a lot of too
Look closely at that blinking light for once
Isn't a night view such a cruel thing
A magnificent sight of somebody's' thorns
Someone will be consoled by looking at your thorns for sure

We are each other's nightscape, each other's moon.

Tao disappeared himself to Transylvania, to their hidden cave where all the shadow killers gather together.


The larger stone at the cave-mouth sided aside once he uttered the spell. He walked through the dark hallway which ends up to a large castle which is hidden in that small cave. Max Planck discovered Quantum theory through radiation of blackbody in 1905, Schrodinger and Heisenberg proposed it in 1920. But the vampires are applying it practically since the Paleozoic era of earth.

Harris was drinking a blood drink made with the blood of young human girls sitting on his royal chair. Tao stood in front of him with shivering legs. Harris started speaking,

"So, Tao, I gave you one job to do that is to spy on that girl and kidnap her at the best scope. But you failed."

"Boss.........I'm sorry boss."

"Hey, silly boy, why are you getting panicked? Come, let's have a drink."

He poured him a glass of blood-drink and poured himself one.

"Human says, failures are the step of success so even failures should be celebrated. You know, these girls I preyed, they were eating hamburgers because they failed in their exams. Haha how silly of them! C'mon Tao, chin up, let's cheer your failure. "

Tao was still afraid 'cause he knows his master's attitude very well. He can't say serving him loyally would made him change that.

"Cheers!", Harris handed him his drink.

On the phonograph it was playing Queen's I'm becoming slightly mad.

When the outside temperature rises
And the meaning is oh so clear
One thousand and one yellow daffodils
Begin to dance in front of you, oh dear
Are they trying to tell you something?
You're missing that one final screw
You're simply not in the pink my dear
To be honest you haven't got a clue......

I'm one card short of a full deck
I'm not quite the shilling
One wave short of a shipwreck
I'm not my usual top billing
I'm coming down with a fever
I'm really out to sea
This kettle is boiling over
I think I'm a banana tree
Oh dear
I'm going slightly mad......
It finally happened; I'm slightly mad.

They both finished their drink silently. Then suddenly Harris started again,

"But you know what, Tao? Since we're not a pest like humans, I can't do something so silly like them. So, I can't accept failures."

Shivers went through Tao's spine as his fear came true. But before he could look up, kneel down and ask to forgive, Harris broke the empty glass and stabbed directly on his hind-neck piercing his medulla oblongata of hind-brain.

"I have to end this as soon as possible.", He called Felix.

After the call, Harris was chuckling and started to sing himself,

I'm becoming slightly mad......

In the history class after the lunch, Mera sat beside Namjoon. She was taking class-notes while Namjoon fell deep asleep on her shoulder at the back bench.

"Namjoon, what are you doing here? Wake up. Someone might notice us."

"Ahha, let me sleep for a while in peace."

"You slept the whole night and still you're sleepy?"

"I didn't.", Namjoon was humming in a sleepy voice keeping his eyes closed.

"Huh! There should be a limit of lying. Don't lie about something I've directly witnessed."

"I was just pretending keeping my eyes closed. I kept adoring you for the whole night."

The teacher threw the marker head and it hit right on Namjoon's forehead. He quickly sat straight and started writing the class-note.

"I hope it doesn't become a rumor now."

"Don't worry, it won't. He's one of us."

"What?!" , Mera shocked as if she watched a ghost.

#Author's note:

Hello everyone. It's the 2nd day of Eid-Ul-Adha in my country so I still have time to wish, Eid Mubarak everyone. I couldn't be here for almost a week due to being sick and I completely fell on bed actually. You know, mental sickness is the biggest catalyst to physical sickness. I'll try my best to publish stories at least onc part a day from now one, InshaAllah. Hope you guys are all fine. Feel free to leave any feedback or your feelings after reading my work. Any suggestion is cordially welcomed. Please consider giving a vote if you liked the chapter and thanks a ton for your cordial support by reading my work. Love you all.

The Dracula Castle (BTS RM ff)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon