Chapter 6

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On the way back from the Sushi restaurant, Emily was driving her Grey Hyundai, Mera was sitting beside her and the other three girls were on the backseats. The radio was playing BTS-21st Century Girls.

To the 20th century girls
Live your life
Live your life come on baby
To the 21st century girls
You don't mind
You don't mind that new lady.
Tell them you're strong
Tell them you're enough
Let you go let you go let you go
Let it go oh.
All my ladies put your hands up
21st century girl, hands up
All my ladies put your hands up
Now scream.

"Woah guys! Look over there. That couple is making out on an open street in the shadow. ", Chelsea pointed outside.

Everyone started giving reactions like teenage girls. Except Susan, all of them are single since birth and apparently, they don't seem to be interested too. Feeling too much lonely, Susan made a boyfriend after moving in Finland.

Suddenly that man looked at Mera and she felt she saw those eyes at somewhere. He looked at her and his dark stares were similar to Namjoon's and his iris also flickered a bluish light.

"What was that?", Mera asked.

"Which one, Mera?", Emily asked.

"That man, I felt like I saw him somewhere.", replied Mera confusingly.

"Can be someone from our university. You don't have to recognise everyone exactly darling. Leave it.", Emily tried to comfort her.

Mera didn't reply anything but she was thinking about it for the whole time.

"Maybe it's my Déjà vu, I'm thinking about spoiled Usain Bolt a lot lately.", Mera assured herself.

The next day, all of them went to the airport to bid Susan the last goodbye. On the way, Emily was playing Linkin Park's The Messenger,

When you feel you're alone
Cut off from this cruel world
Your instincts telling you to run

Listen to your heart
Those angel voices
They'll see you to you
They'll be your guide
Back home where life leaves us blind
Love keeps us kind
It keeps us kind.

Before Susan's name was been announced, they all started crying like 5 little girls being in a group hug. They bid their last goodbye till they could see her going. After that, they came back with a sad feeling and started for their university. Missing their friend, Emily played Spring Day of BTS,

Snowflakes fall down
And get farther away little by little
I miss you (I miss you)
I miss you (I miss you)
How long do I have to wait
And how many sleepless nights do I have to spend
To see you (to see you)
To meet you (to meet you)

Mera lastly tried to divert her mind to get ready for her classes. She started browsing the online newspapers. Suddenly a picture just caught her attention. The headline was:


8 July 2020, 08.30 pm

Mera's eyes widened being super-shocked. It was the same place, the same dressed girl they saw last night and the time of her death was also exactly that time they saw that couple making out.

She was horribly frightened. Those eyes she saw last night were making her believe that it's that spoiled brat who did it. Outrageously she made a decision she's gonna grab his collar and ask about everything. She didn't think much about her own safety since she's a black belt holder in Karate. She just, did herself and her friends a favor by not saying anything about it, make them panicked and frightened and them protesting her from doing so.

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