Chapter 3

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"May I come in, Dad?", Namjoon asked politely.

"Yes, my son. Come here. Where are the other two?", the King asked.

"Brother Jin said they'll be right here after 10 minutes, finishing their deserts."

"Why didn't you join them? You should've."

"I wasn't hungry at all actually. Wasn't feeling to eat anything still had that soup just for showing formality.", Namjoon replied putting on a blur smile on his face.

"Namjoon, I know why you stay gloomy all the time on this occasion. Its normal, quite obvious actually. But, remember, the stronger your bond with your brothers you can grow up, the easier and tactful you can stand against your enemies. They pointed their finger on your origin, so you must remember the fact all the time that you have to prove how much your birth from a human womb is worth of. And that's possible only if you can stay with your brothers as a team. It was you I learnt a quote from that day, remember?"

"Dad, how many more times are you gonna make me feel embarrassed saying you learnt it from me?", Namjoon's smile widened a bit, "Yeah, I do remember. Team work makes the dream work."

"Ha ha it's okay son. I feel proud I could learn something from you. That's the signature that you're worth enough as the prince of The Dracula castle. It's just sometimes, you kinda get obliviated about that.", The King replied with a sense of humor.

Meanwhile, the other two brothers arrived at their living room. Namjoon could sense an intense mildness and emotion in his father which didn't come out for decades. His father is really aged now. His heart might be cold, but still that heart used to beat faster once at someone's presence around. How many more days will he suppress his emotions? He doesn't have strength enough to enforce on his brain anymore, so it's showing his kind heart again instead of the stone-hard motto he did set for himself and others too.

All around the vampire world used to know that Her Highness Nikita Kim had a sky burial according to her own belief. But the king didn't want to do that to her. He secretly made her dead body dressed in a gorgeous black floral off-shoulder gown and kept her body in a royal black coffin. Then her body had been frozen perfectly using excessive amount of solutions of Nitrogen, Formalin, Helium, Argon etc so that, not even a cell may not start decomposing, even in centuries.

The King kept the fact hidden because if his enemies find the fact, they won't let even her torn up corpse to be saved. That's why, none but the four Kim bloodline knows about it.

They walked to the garden, only four of them. After The Queen's murder, the King doesn't let the servants stay with them permanently. While walking through the garden, he started humming Queen's Love of My Life;

You will remember
When this is blown over
Everything's all by the way
When I grow older
I will be there at your side to remind you
How I still love you

I still love you

Oh, hurry back, hurry back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know what it means to me
Love of my life.

The golden sun rays were flickering brightly in that spring afternoon. Cold tropical breeze was playing a violin, whereas the newborn green leaves were playing a tambourine in a hand on hand with the wind. The shadows of the herbs and tree-leaves were welcoming the four men with a salsa dance meanwhile, the sweet scent of Tulips, Crocuses, Winter Aconites and Daffodils were wrapping them up in the heart of Mother Nature. Namjoon, being a nature lover, couldn't resist but being mesmerized at everything; his father's singing, instrumentals of the winds and leaves, cordial welcoming of the shadows and petals; wondering how the atmosphere can be this much celestial.

Soon they reached to the secret chamber hidden in the largest and oldest Sequoia tree of their garden. It has some sort of symbolic lock systems. As The King's order, Jin drew the symbols on the bark and the tree split into half opening the chamber. After they entered hurriedly, it closed itself in less time of a blink with an eye. They went down by the staircase while Taehyung was holding a mica lighting tube. Soon they reached to the place where a coffin wrapped up with a royal black silk and a picture hidden under the curtains are lighted by the deep brown mica lamps. They all stood there for a minute praying for the rest of the soul, then, steadily burnt their palms a bit as the remembrance of their hurtful days without her. While The King and Namjoon are busy with the rituals, meanwhile,

"Taehyung, how are you doing this? It's so scary!"

"Brother Jin, you're doing it for almost 2000 years! Still you ask me this every year!"

"He should've been the youngest brother of us actually", Namjoon added chuckling after switching to his playful mode.

"You three crackheads won't let me finish my prayer peacefully!", their father added to their humorous conversation.

They all four started to laugh gaily at once. After all, it's all family that matters most, to anyone. Everyone isn't lucky enough to feel like a family.

#Author's note:

Hello readers, I'm sorry that being a bit mentally disturbed I couldn't publish the chapter yesterday. As a rookie writer I would love it if you would like to share it with your other friends and consider to vote and like only if you liked it. It's a humble request for now. You can ask me anything at the comment section and  Wattpad inbox . Thank you all so much.

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