Behind The Scenes

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"Winn...line..?" i said looking past the camera for help. I had just been casted on a new show called Supergirl and had already started to mess up my lines. "I'm sorry. I'll get it right this time guys." i said ashamed as this hasn't been the first time i had messed up. The only reason i got a part on the show was because the guy i have feelings for was kind enough to convince the producers to let me join.

"No problem. You got this." Jermey told me. His smile appearing faintly as he rested his hand on my shoulder for a brief moment but to me it felt like we were the only ones on the planet at the time. "Just relax, okay?" he said shaking me a little to get the nerves out.

"Alright. Let's take it from your line Jermey?" my best friend said standing next to the director. They looked at him oddly. "What? You didn't say it." he told them walking off. But for a quick second he turned around and gave me a thumbs up before getting something to eat.

"Action!" the director said signaling to Jermey to start over.

"Veronica. How could you do this? How could you keep this secret from all of us..all this time?!" Jermey said acting amazingly as he always does. I almost forgot that this wasn't real for a second.

"Winn, please. I did this to protect everyone. To protect you!" i said as Jermey turned his back. "Winn you have no idea how much i wanted to tell you." i said not acting anymore. I felt like now was the time to start showing my worth and be a bit real to Jermey. "You mean everything to me and i need you to understand that if i told you this...nothing will ever be the same. Nothing! And all i am asking is that you...t-that you just hear me out!" i cried. It wasn't in the script to cry but that's how i felt in the moment.

"And what now?! I-I-I just..i'm just supposed to live with this?! I care about you too much to let you live like this!" he said walking up to me closer. "I-Yo-Why? Why did you think keeping this would be any better V?" he cried.

"Because Winn. What comes next will forever stay with us." i said looking him in the eyes as tears ran down both of our faces.

"AND CUT! That's it! That's what i've been wanting from you Becky!! Yes! Take a 15 everybody!" the director said to me and everyone.

As i walked off the stage with a smile i whipped away my very real tears as Jermey followed me. "That was amazing. How did you come up with the crying part?" he asked me as we walked side by side outside.

"Oh. Uhh...i don't know. I just..i really got into my character i guess?" i said questioning my own thoughts. I knew the real reason i cried. I knew that if i told him it would seem weird. I knew that i had to keep my feelings to myself for now.

"Well whatever it was it was great. I knew there was a reason we needed you on this show." he said smiling to me. His eyes were just so perfect and his smile was just amazing. We sat in silence for a few minutes before i decided to just say something out of my comfort zone.

"Okay look. I'm going to tell you something and i hope you understand that this is very weird for me. And i know nothing will change once i tell you so i just need you to listen for right now. Got it?" i asked him hoping he understood that this was super important for me.

"Yeah. Yeah, anything. What's up?" he said now facing me. I stood up and faced him so he could fully see me for me.

"Okay. Now understand this goes way out of my comfort zone and i need you to just listen." i said. He nodded his head and politely smiled up at me. He looked even cuter now. "Okay. I have..feelings for you. Like strong feelings. Like the kind where i didn't know until it was too late. And i know that you may not feel the same way and this will probably make working with me a little bit harder but it doesn't have to be. Because i can handle rejection-" i said to him but was cut off.

"Becky! You don't have to say this." he said. I had no idea what he was going to say next but next thing i know is that he stood up and start to walk towards me. "Listen, I.." he started and stopped in his tracks. But before he could finish his thoughts we were called back inside to film the rest of the last episode of the season for Supergirl. "Oh-we better head inside before we get in trouble." he said opening the door and gesturing for me to go first.

I walked in and all that was really on my mind other than my lines were what Jermey could have said to me. I told him how i felt and all i got was a "Listen..". Listen to what? Whatever he had to say he's gonna need to tell me sometime soon.


Alright let me know how that should play out. Should it end white a rejection and that's it or multiple parts. i have no idea!


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