A different type of jealousy pt. 2

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Quick note for you readers: go to bed. Or get off the toilet. Or go study(even though I'm out). Or just go socialize. Actually not that. Don't do that. That's for cowards. And I'm a coward.

Anyways, if you don't remember, I made a chapter on this book called 'Another type of jealousy' and I kinda liked it. But I forgot to make the part 2 so it was lost for a while. But because I'm on break I'll make it. But...this will be longer, mostly because I will actually uses the lines from the show. I'll make sure it's not trash like my other chapters.

Anyways. Keep reading. Or go to bed. Or just live life and try to help me get this book to 50k and I'll do whatever you ask me. Or I'll just do whatever you guys pick.

1) face reveal with a backstory.


2)another book but super girl version(really just you and Winn)and actually update on time. But continue reading. Or not. Idc


I walked out of the coffee shop by paying for it. It took me a while because..well I don't remember anything. As I walked outside, a handsome man walked up to me. "I Guess this is that Winn guy?" I told myself, more like a question.

"Y/N! Thank god you're okay." He smiled and pulled me into a hug. I didn't want to be rude because I don't remember this guy but I also don't remember him. So I shyly hugged him back. "Are you okay?" He asked as he pulled away. When he pulled away, my heart felt something weird.

'Do I love this guy? No! No, you don't even..' and that's when I started to remember little details about him. It was only a few like his laugh, his scent, his smile...and how he made me feel. "Uh..yeah...actually no. I-i don't remember." I laughed smiling up at him.

"Oh. Well...hold on. Hello?" He said answering his phone. "Uh..yeah she's here. What?! Oh-okay..on my way." He finally finished on the phone and grabbed my hand.

"Wh-where are we going?" I asked. But I couldn't focus on anything else but his hand holding onto my mine as if he didn't want to loose me. My heart was beating so hard I could hardly hear the background noise.

"Uh..just somewhere. Not a big deal." He smiled looking at me. I really don't know what he does to make me feel this way but I love it.

Back at the DEO..

"Omg! Y/N! You're okay!" A blonde haired girl ran up to me and hugged me. Again I didn't want to be rude so I hugged back.

"Yeah I'm" there it goes again! I remember little details about her too! Her place, her life, I even know that she is a superhero. "I'm fine." I say.

"Thank god! We were worried sick about you!" She said. She had this really worried look on her face as if she was scared she was gonna loose me.

"What's wrong Kara?" I ask her. He face quickly changed as I said her name. Her name...HER NAME! I remember her. "Oh my god. Oh my god! I remember you. You're Kara Danvers! And a sick superhero." I laughed.

"Wait. You remember her and not me?" Winn said. "I feel...so hurt.." he joked in a crying voice. I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Of course I remember you silly." I say. But something is off. "Wait...how did you know I don't remember you...and why were you worried about me? You never worry about me." I question. Everyone's face slowly but surely changes from happiness to guilt. "Somethings wrong. Isn't it?" I asked more scared in my life.

If something was wrong they would have told me. But if something was wrong with me...then that's a whole different story.

"Y/N..when they were reviewing the brain scan you had earlier...something wasn't right." Barry said. His face was full of sorrow. I don't blame him. Something is wrong with me.

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