Why me?

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You are from the planet Pluto. People always thought that Pluto was a dwarf planet...because it was so cold, it was so far from the sun, and because a scientific theory says that Pluto can't hold life.

But millions of years ago, there was a planet so cold, people wouldn't make it to the atmosphere. But aliens did. They found out that they could live under the planet near the core.

They lived and soon, a lot of aliens started to live there. But you didn't want to live near a core on Pluto anymore. You wanted to live your life and be yourself on the planet Earth. Learn what they do, learn why they do what they do and how it became.

And love someone you who could treat you as you.

Winn's POV

I was sitting at a bar just drinking some club soda. I usually get the usual: beer, but I wasn't feeling it today. I had a really bad day at the DEO so I just wanted to relax at the alien hideout.

Your POV

"Hey! Rick." I said. "Usual?" He asked. I just nodded and sat next to a man. "What's your usual?" The man asked. "Oh...I just like something strong." I said. "Hey, Rick! My friend over here needs one of the strongest drinks you got!" I told him. He nodded and started to make our drinks.

I turned to the man and he turned to me. "I'm K.C. And you are..." "Winn. Winn Schott." He said and shook my hand. As our drinks came, I turned to face my drink but saw from the corner of my eye that he was still looking at me. "What?" I asked taking a sip of my drink.

"It's just....you seem sad about something...like your holding on to a memory." He said. I looked down and took one more sip of my drink before speaking. "I left my home. Pluto." I said. I saw that he got up. "Your from Pluto?!" He practically screamed. I looked down and started to laugh. "That explains your light blue hair." He said sitting down.

I lifted my head and looked at him with a small smile. "You are a cute nerd." I laughed. He stood up. "I think...your a cute girl." He flirted. "Sure I am." I said as I stood up and started to walk to the door. "Oh...and don't call me cute." I told him.

After 2 weeks of K.C and Winn talking and becoming friends that "secretly" like each other.

At Kara's apartment

"So...who...wants to play a game I came up?" I asked while taking a bite of my pizza. "Yes!" They all said. "Okay! Here's how you play it...you each get 10 cards and whoever has the same card as someone...you have to play rock, paper, scissors and whoever wins, has to do whatever the loser says." I said handing everyone a card and sitting down next to Winn on the couch.

After what felt like forever, everyone got a turn except for me. "Okay. Anyone got a ace?" I asked showing the card. I looked at everyone and saw in their eyes(and cards) that they didn't have an ace. "Me." I heard Winn say. "Ohhhhhhhh!" I heard Alex say. "Shut up!" I told her throwing a stack of cards at her as she laughed.

"Rock, paper, scissors then." I said turning to Winn with my hands out and ready.

We both had rock. Then it was paper. Next it was scissors. It went on for about 15 more seconds until I had paper and he had scissors. "Ohhhhhhh." Is all I heard. "Okay K.C. What do you want me to do?" He asked.

"Oh! Could I pick?!" Kara asked. I nodded my head so fast i had a headache. "Okay! Winn....you have to tell K.C how you feel about her!" She said. Winn looked at her surprised. "Are you really my friend?" He joked. "Well...K.C...oh screw it! I can show better than I can tell." He said. At first I didn't know what was happening.

Until I felt hands on my cheeks, and a pair of lips I studied for 3 weeks. We finally pulled away. "You go K.C!!!" Alex yelled. I laughed and pressed my forehead on Winn's. "Good to know how you feel." I laughed. "Yep! But back to the game!!" Kara finally said.

The whole time I couldn't help but notice Winn starring at me the whole time and keeping his hands on my waist and his head on my shoulder. 'I knew he was the one. But why me..?'

Hey-ooo!!!! I hope you like it. Because I honestly thought it was not one of my best. So comment, vote, request, and comment on my chapter that is called "A/N"

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