Chapter Eight

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"Hey, why don't you just fight back?" A four-year-old Shikamaru asked, as he stared down at a freshly beaten Naruto. "I'm not one for showing off, but if you fought back, they would probably stop hitting you."

"No, if I hit back, the adults will get more fearful of me. They don't beat me up because I'm small, they beat me up because their parents do it, and encourage their kids to. And if the adults get scared of me, they will hurt me more than they already do." Said Naruto, his tone making it sound like it should be obvious to everyone.

"But, why do they hate you that much?" Asked Shikamaru, as he cocked his head to the side, confused by what Naruto was saying.

"Well if I knew, I would fix it so they would stop." This was the sarcastic reply from Naruto, as he glared at the ground. Then he noticed a shadow fall across his legs. Looking up, he saw Shikamaru holding his hand out for Naruto.

"You can come to my house; I promise my parents won't hate you. My mom will clean you up and the woman will probably insist that you stay for dinner." Shikamaru said, smiling down at Naruto.

Naruto grabbed his hand and pulled himself up. "Naruto Uzumaki!" He said, with a large smile on his face.

"Shikamaru Nara." He said, as he turned around to lead Naruto to his house.


Naruto yawned loudly as he lazily threw his hands behind his head and closed his eyes as he walked behind a few of his classmates outside the doors of the 1-A classroom.

Last night, Naruto had stayed up most of the night going over events that were happening in the villain world and planning the next few steps that were going to be taken, especially with the upcoming field trip. Additionally, today's hero training class was studying hero's and battle tactics instead of actually getting up and moving around. So, Naruto was very tired as a result of not being able to move around all day.

Bakugou had also started yelling at the majority of the class at some point for reasons that Naruto couldn't care to remember. But it ultimately resulted in the entire class having to stay after school and listen to Aizawa-sensei lecture them all.

Now, all of the students of class 1-A were all walking out the doors of the U.A. campus.

"Man, we may not have done much physical stuff but mentally I'm beat man!" Said Kirishima, as soon as they stepped outside, stopping to take a deep breath of air after he said that.

"Yeah, I feel like I've overused my quirk again because of how badly my brain hurts right now." Moaned Kaminari, cradling his head in-between his hands.

"All they did today was shove information down our throats. Don't be surprised if when I show up tomorrow, I don't remember anything we learned today." Said Naruto, agreeing with the two boys. Despite being in ANBU, they had very different rules then the ones the hero's used. Plus, Naruto was never good at memorizing for school, he learned by doing. So, the pain he was currently feeling was very real.

"C'mon guys," Said Izuku, walking behind them with Iida and Ochako at his sides. "It honestly wasn't that bad; it was like a normal junior high day except different information. Naruto, if you need help studying you can come over today and I can help you. Plus, my mom wants to know how you've been anyway."

"Thanks Izuku," Said Naruto, finally opening his eyes to smile at Izuku before looking forward. "I might actually- "Naruto stopped mid-sentence when he caught the sight that was in front of him. Standing right behind the golden gated entrance of U.A. was a figure that Naruto didn't think he would see until the late hours of the night a week from now.

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