Chapter 6

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A/N: I would like to thank everyone who has followed and favorited this story, as well as everyone who reviewed the last chapter. Before the story starts, I wanted to answer some of the question's you guys have been asking. When I first started writing, I didn't get asked many questions but as the story has progressed, you guys are asking more and more questions so I figured I would answer some of them and address some of the concerns y'all have.

Ok so a bunch of people have been shocked by the OOCness of Naruto in this story. Which is true, Naruto is very OOC here, But I feel like because he grew up a little different in this story, he would act a little different. His friends (aside from Shikamaru) still think that he is the same old Naruto from the anime/manga because of the mask that he has been wearing around them. And while Naruto is on a mission so he is still acting a little differently than his original self, he is no longer wearing the same mask that he was wearing in the hidden villages. Because Naruto became an ANBU at such a young age, he learned to put the mission first at all costs. That's why in this story we don't see the same selfless Naruto that we saw in the original anime/manga. Don't worry though! We will see this side of Naruto soon enough! I just feel like he needs to form a stronger relationship with his classmates before he decides to abandon the mission to show everyone that side of him.

As for Shikamaru, yes, he is going to be a helping hand in gathering information in the BNHA world. Until a war really breaks out, most if not all, characters brought over from the hidden villages are just integrating themselves into the BNHA society and gathering information.

Some people have also been asking if Naruto is ever going to reveal his true powers. Yes, I don't have it all planned out yet but I do want Naruto to reveal his power to his friends from 1-A, as well as his friends from his home.

A lot of you guys are also asking if I am continuing the story. Yes, I am continuing the story, I never planned on stopping. I usually update the story about once a month because I'm super busy with school, but because summer is approaching (My last week is the last week of May) and because of everything with the virus, updates may come sooner. Maybe once every two weeks, but I cannot promise anything yet. The reason why I wasn't able to update last month is because I had a lot of family drama going on. That's also why this chapter is coming to you just a week after the last one was uploaded.

Also a huge thanks to everyone for leaving all of the positive reviews! It makes everything worth doing!


"Don't get me wrong Shikamaru, I am happy that you are no longer sleeping the entire day away, but can you tell me why we are up at 3 a.m.? Jiraiya doesn't want to leave until 5 a.m. and I already have everything why are we up so early?" Shikamaru shook his head and sighed, looking at Naruto. "I wanted to say bye to you personally, without our friends lurking in the corners. Plus, we don't know when I'm going to be joining you on this mission, so I want to enjoy some time alone with you before you leave. And don't even try to tell me you won't feel the same way, Naruto. We both know as soon as you leave those gates, you're going to be missing me. Besides, my parents will probably make their way in here around 4 a.m. to say goodbye themselves and spend some time with you before our friends come."

"Awwwww Shikamaruuuuuu who knew you could be such a romantic guy." Naruto said, looking at Shikamaru sweetly, but also in a teasing way. Slapping him lightly across the face and pushing him back onto his bed, Shikamaru opened the window next to the bed and lit a cigarette, one of the last that he would be sharing with Naruto for a while. Before Shikamaru had a chance to take a hit from the cigarette, Naruto took it out of his mouth and took a drag for himself. Shikamaru felt himself get annoyed slightly and thought that maybe having Naruto gone for a while wouldn't be all that bad if it meant this stopped happening.

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