Chapter 4

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A/N: I would like to thank everyone who followed and favorited this story, as well as everyone who commented on the last chapter.

"So," Naruto asked, walking through the forest with Shikamaru at his side. "Who do you think will become a chunin first out of the two of us?"

"Out of the two of us? Probably you." Shikamaru responded. "Really?" Surprise was evident in Naruto's tone and a disbelieving look came across his face "You really think that? I might have fought more than you, but you made the smarter decision backing out of the competition when you knew the person was above your skill level. Or at least, the skills you're allowed to show." Naruto added as an afterthought. "That may be true, but you showed determination, as well as your stubbornness when not backing out of fight you'd gotten yourself into. Besides, the third loves you and he'll definitely want to promote you officially. And if Sasuke moves in ranks, so do we. And we both know that the council would never allow Sasuke to not move up the ranks."

"That's true." Naruto said before allowing the silence to engulf the both of them as they continued their stroll around the forest, both reminiscing about what had just recently taken place in the exams.


Ironically, Naruto saw Izuku on his way to the entrance exams, and they decided to walk together. While they never got the chance to train together, they both remained friendly to each other and had the occasional conversation when they saw one another. Neither talked much today though, Naruto decided to leave Izuku to his muttering as soon as they started walking together, Izuku never stopping even when he lifted a hand in greeting.

When they both arrive at the U.A. grounds, Naruto noticed that Izuku seemed to become more and more nervous as the mindless chattering went on around them. Keeping a blank look on his face, Naruto left Izuku and started walking around sizing up his completion. Naruto knew, especially from personal experience, that you should never judge a book by its cover. However, Naruto wanted to see how much power he thought he was going to have to use, and then how much he would actually use (a gauge to see how much his shinobi training has been paying off and to critique what needs to be fixed, courtesy of Jiraiya.)

Naruto then turned around when he felt something stirring between everyone. He then saw a blond kid with blood red eyes and a grumpy face marching his way inside the building, and everyone was muttering around him. "Is that the sludge villain kid?"

"Yeah I think it is."

"What was his name again?"

"I think Bakugou was his name."

'Great.' Naruto thought to himself. 'I think we have another problem kid on our hands.'

'You could say that again kit.'

'Oh, hey Kurama. How have you been, you haven't spoken up in a while.' While Naruto still didn't get along the greatest with the fox demon inside of him, they were slowly becoming close and sharing their thoughts openly enough, but they were more acquaintances now, but a friendship was on the way. The fox would occasionally speak up whenever he wasn't napping to give Naruto his insight on what was happening, this doesn't mean it was always useful though. 'I've been fine kit, just trying to get used to this new land still. Both of our chakra systems are still fluctuating and trying to get used to the chakra imbalance from here compared to our home. It shouldn't cause you any problems today, especially with all of the control exercises you've been doing, but it has been taking a toll on me.'

'Don't worry Kurama, Jiraiya said that this should only last a little longer for us before both of our systems sort themselves out.' And with that, the mental conversation was up but the connection was still there as Naruto found a seat and waited for the instructions to start.

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