Chapter 2

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"Chapter 2:

A/N: I would like the thank everyone that followed and favorited this story. As well as everyone who commented on the last chapter.

"So, you leave tomorrow?" Asked Shikamaru. He and Naruto where currently laying in a lone field in Konoha. The former, taking a drag off a cigarette before handing it to the latter so he could take one too. Naruto didn't usually smoke, but he was leaving soon and wanted to enjoy his last few days with Shikamaru. He had also been very tense lately with the upcoming mission he couldn't help it. Smoking was something he did when he needed to relax, and he knew he did because he was certain this was going to be a very stressful mission.

"Yeah," Naruto replied, taking the cigarette from his friend and taking a drag himself before handing it back to him. "I'm already packed, so don't get your mother nagging me about it." He added, blowing the smoke out of his lungs.

"You know she only does it because she loves you and thinks of you as a son." Shikamaru replied, taking another drag from the cigarette. "Besides, if you've already done it then that means I don't have to tell the troublesome woman, which saves me a headache and time." Naruto let out a small chuckle at that before letting the comfortable silence fall over them. The only noise was the trees dancing in the wind as the two boys sharing the cigarette.

"Why don't you stay the night at my place?" Shikamaru asked, turning his head to look at Naruto. "I know that eventually I'll be joining you on the mission, but neither of us know when that will be. Plus, it will be a while before my folks can see you again, and we both know that they'll miss you a lot. It's also too troublesome to get up even earlier to meet up with you before other people come to see you off when we can all just talk at my house." Seeing Naruto hesitate, because even after almost 10 years of knowing each other, Naruto was still afraid of over welcoming himself into their house and have them stop loving him, Shikamaru continued. "My mom is making sushi tonight anyway. I know it's not ramen, but you need proper food before you leave."

"All right," Naruto replied, handing the cigarette back over to Shikamaru, who took one last drag before stomping it out and standing up. "Good, let's go then before she sends all of Konoha looking for us to get to dinner on time." Shikamaru said standing up and extending his hand to Naruto for him to take. Naruto did, and once he was standing, he wrapped his arm around Shikamaru, who did the same, and the pair walked like that to the Nara compound.


Naruto watched as the scene in front of him changed from clear open water to populated land. From where he sat on a small pontoon boat, Naruto could make out a large land mass with extremely tall buildings just along the horizon. If he focused, he could hear what he believed to be cars honking at one another, from what Tsunade had described to him. Naruto wore a long-sleeved orange T-shirt with black, baggie, cargo pants, a black belt, and black boots. Over his shirt, he wore a white sweatshirt. It seemed like something light to wear considering the snowy weather at the moment, but with Naruto's chakra and Kumura, he was just fine. At Naruto's feet were two large duffle bags. One containing clothes and other necessities an ordinary person would need when moving, and the other containing various shinobi supplies. To Naruto's left was Jiraiya. he had one small duffle bag at his feet and was currently looking over a scroll. At the wheel of the boat was an elderly man, with long white hair and a beard. He wore some winter clothing and a hat to protect himself from the sun's rays, and from what Naruto could gather upon first getting on the boat, it was moved by a motor. Whether this was a gas-powered motor or an electric powered one he couldn't tell. (Tsunade had explained both to him, but he was still unable to tell the difference by the look of them).

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