Start from the beginning

How can she be so stupid to cock block herself?

Ohh yes he had been hurting and she figured sex wasn't really the best solution at the moment.

"Is there anything that you are supposed to do when you wake up in the morning?" She heard Greg's voice say, bringing her out of her reverie.

Ashley looked at him with a confused face, this only widened the misplaced grin on his face. "Like what?"

"I don't know, maybe something to aid with the booting of your brain you know. It seems to me you always have a hard time in the morning..." He said between chuckles and she found herself glaring at him, but this only seemed to intensify his laughter.

"Go away..." She said shoving him and standing up from his bed only to be dragged back down. The next thing she knew, she was lying face up with Greg on top of her, looking into his beautiful green eyes. "Greg... "

"Morning beautiful," Greg said bending over to give her a kiss. He kissed her ever so slightly and she soon found herself kissing him back with hunger, he broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. "I'm not excepting you to reply me, since you are not a morning person"

She glared at him playfully, this only had him chuckling. She just really wanted to stay there forever, beneath him, watching him, and listening to him chuckle. She felt a rush of emotions run through her, so she did what her heart wanted. She pulled him down for a kiss, smiling triumphantly at the shocked look that she didn't fail to notice on his face.

Greg kissed her back with hunger and fervour. He had a iron like grip on her waist but it didn't hurt, she soon felt him running his hands underneath her shirt. She gasped when his hand made contact with her bare skin, it felt so electrifying, this gave Greg the chance to plunge his tongue into her mouth.

Ashley ran her hands over Greg's back, wanting more and maybe all of him, but Greg decided to be an idiot and pulled away from the kiss. She looked up into his eyes, that was filled with hunger and lust, she was sure as hell that that was exactly how she looked also.

"Ashley..." He called her name with a very low and sexy voice.


"I want you so much but I know you aren't ready, right?" he said quietly. She understood why he had stopped and said what he did, because last night she had told him she wasn't ready to go that far with him. She was indeed not ready. It wasn't that she was a virgin or something, but she knew that she was taking things too far with Greg, the sooner she stops the better for all of them.

Ashley nodded slowly to what he said, Greg groaned resting his head on the pillow beside her face. She stayed there underneath him listening to his erratic breathing that was so similar to hers, by the time he raised his head up he had a smile on his face.

"I need a cold shower," he said pressing his body into hers. She gasped feeling his arousal so close to her body. It took everything in her not to pull him back into her as he stood up.

Ashley sat up on the bed watching him, she found herself staring at his boxers. There was an obvious dent in it, she couldn't suppress the blush that crept up her cheeks, the blush grew deeper when Greg leaned closer to her with a smile.

"Or do you want to join me, only that it wouldn't be a cold shower, but an hot bath," he said with a devilish glint in his eyes. She hit him hard on his chest and ran out of his room, and soon she heard Greg's laughter following her.

When Ashley stepped out of his room, she found herself wandering around his huge house. The place was beautiful, and she must say that she had fallen in love with the place, she came across a room that seemed a little desolate. The door was slightly opened, she walked in and noticed that it was a sitting room, and unlike the rest of his house this place felt more homely. She walked into the room enthralled.

The wall of the room was cream and it had some floral designs on it, almost similar to the one Chloe had insisted they put on their walls. What had her enticed was the pictures on the wall, she saw several pictures, lots of pictures from Greg's childhood and as you know Greg was a cute kid and he had braces, who would have thought.

She saw a particular picture of Greg, Davis, and Nora and they all looked so happy, the background of the picture shows that they must have taken the picture in Spain, in Nora's special room to be precise. She continued glancing through the pictures and came on a particular one that had her heart clenching...

It was a picture of Greg, Nora and their mother Cassandra. Ashley felt herself freeze up as she stared at the picture, their smiling faces sent a cold shiver down her spine, she felt her heart pricking at her and it was almost like she was hyperventilating, she ran out of the room when she couldn't take it anymore.

She banged into someone as she came out, only to look up and find herself staring into Greg's eyes again, who else would it be? He looked at her with concern, she smiled at him immediately not wanting him to question her.

"What have you been doing?"

"Sightseeing..." She stuttered out.

"You look shaken," he said holding onto her arms, staring deep into her eyes with concern.

"Well...what can I say you have a huge house and I almost got lost," Ashley said laughing. Greg gave a low laugh too, but she could tell he didn't buy the lie, but he dropped it anyways.

"Why don't you join me, I'm going for workout," he said. This was actually her worst nightmare, exercising she hated it. Greg must have noticed the look on her eyes because he laughed. "Come on, stop been lazy. You won't die with just one workout, I workout thrice a week but I'm still alive."

He pulled her along with him by the hem of his shirt, she was actually curious about something else.

"When do you get the time to work out? For all I know, you get to work early, and leave very late." She asked bewildered, and when she said early, she meant early as in six a.m.

"I wake up very early, stop been so curious and follow me, don't worry you don't have to do anything, just stand there and ogle my gorgeous as hell body." She found herself rolling her eyes at this.


Ashley got out of the car and waved bye to the driver. Greg had left to attend to some urgent business that had to do with the launching and he had asked his driver to drop her home. She felt kinda sad for him because it was the weekend and he was still so busy.

Today had actually turned out to be one of her most beautiful Saturdays. After the little display that took place at the front of that sitting room and the stupid workout session which she actually took part in unlike he promised, she and Greg had gotten busy trying to fill his house with as much food as they can. She had a little bit of success there, she had even successfully taught him how to prepare omelette and bacon, and you must be glad to know that it took almost an hour before Greg could actually understand the fact that omelette was made from eggs.

Ashley smiled at the memory as she walked up to her front porch, getting to her doorstep she was filled with dread immediately because the door was wide open. It was very strange, it was never open, but she dismissed it when she remembered that she lived with a certain girl named Chloe Anderson.

She walked into the house closing the door behind her, been as tired as she was, she dragged herself all the way to her room, not bothering to stop by at Chloe's room because she wasn't ready to talk. She knew Chloe would strangle her if she didn't give her the usual gist, and moreover she spent the night at his house... Double trouble.

Ashley opened the door to her room, and stood still immediately.

She stared in horror at what was looking back at her, her heart rate increased, she started grasping at thin air for support. She looked around with fear, not knowing what to do, she did the only thing that came to her mind.

She screamed.


  Chapter thirty one.
Mary Aden.

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