Chapter two

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"Anna, you are going to be late." My father had yelled this three times. I was currently sitting at the makeup studio down the hall trying to level out my eyeliner.

"I'm trying! If you keep rushing me I'll keep having to stop to yell!" I yelled back before I heard the front door open and close again. Jake must be here. "Do not eat all the waffles Jacob Caide Jones!"

"Then I suggest you hurry up!" My father yelled back. Finally I got my eyeliner even and grabbed my bag before heading to the stairs. "Look who decides to join us." He was pacing around the living room searching for something as his phone alerted. He answered the FaceTime call but kept looking. "Jada where are my keys?" His tone was huffy and irritable. She hated when he got like this, I hated when he got like this and most importantly, he hated when he got like this.

"Henry, they're in your jacket, I put them there lastnight, I told you." She redirected as I grabbed a plate and added a waffle and syrup.

"Maybe you should've texted me a reminder, how was I supposed to remember a conversation from lastnight?" Before she answered he was headed out the door to his car.

"What's your idea for the volunteer work this weekend?" My eyes widened as I pulled out my binder after throwing my bag on the counter.

"Shit shit shit." How had I forgotten such an important factor to my senior year? I stuffed the remains of the waffle down as I ran back to my room to grab the research papers and journal full of ideas. He casually got up and put our plates in the dishwasher as he laughed at my disorganized disaster. "It's not funny Jacob."

"It's Jake, damnit!" He yelled as he acted frustrated. I walked down the stairs with the journal in hand and laughed at him. The amount of petty tension the name Jacob causes him amuses me to absolutely no end. I'd learned this years ago and have used it to my advantage since.

"Is someone angry?" I mocked.

"No. Come on." He laughed as he walked to meet me and threw an arm around me, nearly pushing me towards the door. He grabbed my bag on the way out and slung them both over his shoulder. "Pitch." He demanded as we climbed into his mustang.

"Okay. So we could do the basic and gather canned food and all that good stuff like literally everyone or we could do something like a bake sale or maybe a car wash. Just something to gather money. Money would help the crisis a hell of a lot more than food. Don't you think?" He raised his eyebrow as he kept driving. "What?"

"Yeah. Money will help the town a lot more than food they don't have." He was being sarcastic. "They lost everything in the fires." I face palmed myself and turned to him.

"Exactly. Everyone's going to be doing the food thing therefore they will have plenty but if they have all this food and no money to rebuild what do they really have?" I argued.

"Okay so that makes sense. Like money for the town to rebuild." He laughed. "I was thinking like the families were getting it. I'm sure they need it but there is no telling what each individual family would do with their earnings."

"I really worry about you. Like are you okay?"

"Shutup." He countered me. Which he does when he has nothing to come back with. Pitiful.

"No stupid. The money and the food goes to the town. The town representatives will give it out accordingly. And with the money they could use it to rebuild. They're not gonna give it out to the families like 'here young sir is $1000 theres nothing to do or buy with it, but here it is." I over exaggerated my confused faced and turned back to look at the road.

"Okay Anna. I get it. Now we just have to pitch it to student council. I'd recommend not talking to them the same way." He chuckled.

"Not everyone needs a kindergarten explanation Jake. They're on the student council I think they'll understand more than you did without a word for word explanation." He gripped the steering wheel and acted like he was choking me as he yelled.

Tormented loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora