Chapter One

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It's crazy how much time a guy can waste if his parents give him a bedroom that consist of a normal bedroom, a bathroom, and a phenomenal game. Maybe I should add the fact of the jack and Jill conjoined guest bedroom for his friends. When Jakes mother died he spent nearly all of his time in his room, he rarely ever came out. His father would try talking him into going for a swim in their pool or playing basketball on their court. Jake refused all of that. His father may as well have removed it all.

I'm not saying I wish he would, I loved coming over and going swimming. Those few months though, Jake didn't care about any of that. He locked himself away in his room and didn't come out for months. His depression kicked in. Hard. He resorted to online school for that period of time.

When I'd had enough I begged Mr. Jones to just let me barge in and talk to him. After so much debate he agreed to let me go inside Jakes room. Completely against Jakes pleads to just leave him alone, I'd go inside and talk to him. I'd beg him to talk to me, I wanted to pull him out of it. His state of depression. Still for weeks, Jake wouldn't respond to me. I'd sit on the end of his bed and tell him stories of what was going on in school. I'd try to remind him of funny things me and him have done together. He never got involved in the conversation. I don't remember him uttering a word during those weeks. Out of the many hours I'd spend in there I only remember him dragging himself out of bed only two times. He nearly crawled to his bathroom. I wouldn't let him completely shut the door, I was scared he may hurt himself, purposely.

How did Mr. Jones ever get him to climb out of bed, move on with his life after the death of Mrs. Jones? He hired masons and contractors to build onto the already huge house. They turned Jakes bedroom into a jack and Jill. His modern day bedroom led to a very bright bathroom connected to another modern room. In his room a glass sliding door opened into a glass room with stairs, you could see my favorite spot from here. The pool. On a good day I could talk him and the other guys into swimming but on days when things weren't in my favor we walked up the stairs and were met with an extremely large gaming lounge. It consists of four black bean bag chairs a light grey sectional couch and the most important items? A popcorn machine and ice cream dispenser. Unless you ask them because they'll say the 85' Samsung flat screen and PlayStation. That's their decision though. Mine would be the right answer to any brilliant person.

That is were we are today Zach, Rohan, and Tyler were sprawled across the sectional with a controller in hand and Jake was slouched into a bean bag beside me. I ;however, did not have a controller in my possession. They ripped the controller out of my hand the day I cost them all a game on who knows what and have never handed it back to me again.

"Anna." Rohan tapped me with his foot as I braided a few strands of hair. I just knew he wanted me to get up, they were lazy. All of them.

"Huh?" I leaned my head back to look at the person attached to the foot who was seemingly admiring whatever was going on in the match. He'd not even glanced down at me only kicked his foot over to touch my back.

"Go grab me a soda." I grumbled a few words and walked over to the mini cooler to grab one of Rohan's cream sodas. Disgusting choice but it was his favorite.

"Yooo..get me one too." Tyler stated as I huffed and grabbed a peach soda. I walked back to the group and handed out the two retrieved soda cans.

"Here." It was a slicing statement but they didn't notice, they were too focused on the game in front of them.

"Move!" Zach stated as he tried to look around me to watch the game continue on. "Anna. Move."

"Shutup." I announced as I walked back to my bean bag. "Zach. Shutup." I mocked.

"Are you on your period?" Tyler asked.

"Aye man. Don't." Jake spoke. "Anna can you go grab me a soda?" I used my teeth to pressed my lips together as I stood up.

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