🌊WISH 27🌊

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Tell me again how I end up with this prince for a partner?

The canceled using of swords event was announced to be this day. That's why this midnight Art annoyed me in the middle of the night. Now because of the incident, they thought it would be nice to add a twist to the event. In where, the boys will be put up with a female partner to protect. It was freaking draw-lots, so I didn't have quiet a choice.

Art protects Hayashen. I don't care who will be partnered with him though. But this one is a fun pair. Both fire user (in the eyes of the majority - and considering they have a bad past, AWKWARD!)

"Just don't block the way, or you'll be the one I'll hit" Art hissed to his partner Hayashen.

The girl scoffed an angry reply to Art, but didn't say something remembering how the fiend talked to her at the royal gathering.

See, I told you ... I turned to brother.

Miles protect Catalina. Oh well, I'm sure she can protect that petite sister of the Heroine. I trust brother AJA!

"Just stay by my side okay?" brother smiled to Catalina. The girl smiled and nodded back --- "okay..."

I turned to ... well it's good to know that there is still a touch of the game, where Heroine gets partnered with prince cliche really.

Kite protects Shanna

"So, we're partners!" Shanna exclaimed cheerily like she always does.

Kite nodded then turned to look at me his eyes sending me worried look and as if saying 'I want you to be my partner' yeah right .

I turned to the other love interest present.

Noscere protects Wendy. From all the pairs, this two doesn't have a problem. They just smiled at each other, happily accepting their partner relationship for the event.

For a second I stared at Wendy... mmm weird, must be just my eyes.

Guess who is partnered with me?

My goodness, with double side icing crap, sprinkled with another crap - Ryallknov Ponzana! I shivered noticing that his gaze is upon me. I turned to him. Crap really ... His silver eyes piercing through me deeply.

'Ah ... he! he! so we're partners, protect me okay?'

that would be weird, and that sounds like something Shanna would say...

'So now what?'

Is it really appropriate to say that? Considering the situation. From all the love interest why him!


Will not saying anything? --- well best choice, but considering that now we're in a staring competition, heck I won't lose!

"What are you staring at?" I sneered lowly but with intensity. He scoffed, didn't even close his eyelids for mere seconds, before he turned his head somewhere else - WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING.

Know what? I ain't sure if this prince will protect me from this event or what. It's not like I need his protecting but it's the rule of the game. And nobody really expects that a female, even with powers would beat the male players here with their own powers and plus the weapons.

"Just stay away from me would you?!" I turned to the sudden interruption of my thoughts. And just in time for me to see that Catalina pushed away Shanna.

"But..." Shanna didn't finished what she's about to say because the petite girl grab brother's (her partner) hand, and walk away from the group.

What was that? Sister drama? Seriously?

WISH: Princess Villainess Love GambleWhere stories live. Discover now