🌊WISH 4🌊

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I am Miles Wyvern, I have a twin named Mistletoe Wyvern. Most twins are close since they have this special connection. But not us, why? well, she's the epitome of arrogance. She only knows how's to step on my pride.

But what I hate about her most, is the fact, that she made me feel that I'm not his twin, nor a brother. She always looks down on me, and even when she's weaker, I still feel inferior every time her sharp words hit me.

Well, I hate her. If she won't treat me like a sibling, then I won't treat her as one too.

Mom and Dad are also spoiling her because of her position. Parents are proud because among the nobility, their daughter was chosen to be the crowned princess. Now it annoys me more, she's now a complete arrogant spoiled-brat child.

Mom and Dad hired private elemental instructor for each of us. It is a pressure actually, since both parents are known to be one of the top elemental user during their day. Their lightning and wind combination works well. So one day, while I was doing my laps for stamina training, I happen to pass on Mistle on her tantrums.

I really feel bad for her instructor that I think wants to give up on her. He was sitting on one of the stone chairs and leaning his elbows on the stone table, while his hands on his face. Yep, he is stressed indeed.

Mistletoe doesn't care about training. She thinks she's high and mighty already because of her position. Tsk.

I was about to speed up, but then halted when her instructor shouted her name. Stupidly enough, she accidentally slipped during her tantrum, and hitted her head on the stone table. Ouch.

Hah, still, it made me feel good, am I bad? Can't blame me, it's her karma.

But of course, I still feel remorse on her, I continued running, but instead to find my parents and told them about Mistle.

The next day at breakfast, we were talking about her, we are always talking about her. Mom and Dad partially regretted spoiling her, but they can't change it now. It's too late. Though at the same time, they wanted the crown. They won't give it up, it's a great privilege for the Wyvern.

Though this time we were talking about her and the news that her maids brought -that Mistle has been lately odd. The three maids in her room even reported that since she woke up after the accident, never once, she shouted at them. Which is alright, quiet unbelievable for me, that is so not her.

And that she even let them sit on her room's couch. Did her brain got damage? Pft who knows. So while I was busy laughing at her in my brain but at the same time getting pissed by her, the unexpected thing happened.

She arrive to have breakfast with us. UN-BE-LIE-VA-BLE. She's always late to the point that, mom, dad and me already left the table because we are finished. You see, she always has this morning tantrum antic.

I didn't mean to say it out loud. But I guess I absently did, while eyeing her walking until she sat on her sit. "Did a lightning hit Mistletoe?"

She replied like the usual her, SHARP and ARROGANT. But what caught my attention is her last word. "Why, did you hit me by your lightning brother?"

Brother, for the first time on history, she just addressed me as her brother! Oh my, she really must have damaged her brain during the accident. But since she's still arrogant I ended up challenging her into a fighting competition. I didn't thought she'd bite it though, but she actually did!

Hah? What can she actually do? So I taunt her more "I'll give you a prize if you even win" I'm pretty confident she could not win. All she could do is splash small amounts of water. Not looking down on her, but I truly am. It's the only skill I saw her use, especially when she bullies other nobility during tea parties.

WISH: Princess Villainess Love GambleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon