🌊WISH 10🌊

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I am the only son and the crown prince of Ricqueza --- Kite Ricqueza. I have a fiance, she is a noble, daughter of a duke - Mistletoe Wyvern. she's annoying and arrogant in a way. She always finds a way to get my attention.

Whenever I visit her she always gives me flowers, it's so weird. As the male, shouldn't I be the one doing that? --- I hate her literally, but she's the crown princess, my fiance, the girl I am marrying in the future. So I have no choice, I treat her nice.

Anyways all girls are the same, they have one goal when they see me. It's really annoying really.

She clings and talks all the time, I pretend to listen, in truth I don't. Why should I listen when she blabbers about jewelries, her dress, how ugly other girls for her - utter nonsense, arrogant and annoying weak brat. I visit her rarely, maybe once a month. And for that one day - I dread it gravely!

And now, I need to visit her. Why? --- she got into an accident a week ago. She slipped and she bumped her head, clumsy fool! Now I am wasting my time again.

I sighed deeply when I saw their mansion in the distance.

"Kite, I can kill her" Wendyll, a friend, and my personal guardian suggested.

I just smiled awkwardly, he always suggests that, says he would take responsibility after. He'd rather go to prison or die to get rid of that girl, than see me suffering. He's great and loyal.

"Wendyll, no, I can still bear her" I replied as I sighed again when I saw four figures from a distance waiting. Oh Heavens --- dread is near.

"Fine, but the offer is free anytime, just tell me" I just nodded. I don't know, I really don't think killing her is a good idea. Wyvern is also influential, and besides we're like ten years old and talking about murder?

Maybe six years from now that will come to my mind, who knows...

My eyes crinkled and I blinked three times fast when I saw her. Weird, today she's not smiling widely, and she's not holding flowers.

I got down to the carriage --- 1 2 3 - my count went above 10 but she didn't run to embrace me like she usually do.

I greeted Mr. And Mrs. Wyvern before turning to her. She stared at me and uttered one word. "Welcome" --- UNBELIEVABLE. Welcome? That's it? No more extra words?

My best friend who happens to be her twin brother break the awkwardness and told me she got her brain damaged. She got angry and answered back, and her tongue got sharper, but that's the Mistletoe I know. 'Sharp-tongued'

Or so I thought I know...

She was unusually quiet this time, she just follows us, and when we sat down for a tea, she just stares at the air, like she's in deep thinking.

For once, I didn't suffer her talking-s. I'm starting to believe she really got her brain damaged. While the boys are having the chat, I can't help but to take a glimpse on her every minute.

You know, this might just be one of her antics to catch my attention. But I felt it's not, it's different. She's obviously - just not interested.

Her twin Miles noticed this and called out for her, he told her to show me her improved water splash. Why, I was genuinely surprise to hear it improved. I saw it a lot of times when she bullies other noble girls during a tea party --- it's funny, weak but annoying in a way.

And I got more surprised when she was able to crack the cup Wendyll is holding. Though they clashed afterwards, she was arrogant at first -- but --- she actually said sorry to Wendyll about bullying his sister Wendy at the last tea party.

We told her how strange she is, she frowned, plucked some flowers, hand it to me, clinged to me, told us to ignore her, and slept on my shoulders.

What happened to her?

"I told you, I really think she damage her brain during the accident" Miles grinned as he stuff cookies in his mouth.

I chuckle lightly to avoid waking her. "The change is lovely though, for once she seems, not to be annoying"

Miles laughed heartily. "Yeah true, just don't annoy or challenge her, she still got her sharp-arrogant mouth."

I laugh --- True I notice.

After talking about her changes, I brought her to her room. I told Wendyll to wait in the carriage for me.

As I place her in the bed, her silver hair covered her face, so I fixed it and shove it away her face. This is actually the first time I took time to stare and appreciate her beauty.

She looks like an angel. She's really peaceful in her sleep. Did she really change?

I got curious, somehow. Starting that day I visit her more frequently. I tail her like a dog. She really changed. She trains, and she oftenly goes to the library to read. AND she seemed annoyed by me.

Somehow, before her attention is on me, and I hate it. But now - now that she ignores me mostly, I wanted her attention. I can tell something has really changed. Still arrogant but not in a way that is and like before.

And one day a news arrived.

She got kidnapped by the Magente's.

I freaked out. Mom and dad freaked out, Miles, her mother and father, the whole kingdom freaked out at her disappearance.

Why? Why her? Ahhh! This somehow made me furious. The kingdom automatically held a meeting, in which I was present, I need to know their plans for the rescue.

But before it was executed, a messenger arrived bringing the news that she is safe, and to be brought back.

I haven't been able to sleep the past nights peacefully due to her disappearance, and now that I heard the news, I literally didn't sleep in excitement and relief.

When I saw her enter the throne room. Still in one piece, looking fresh and good, it really made me feel good. I want to run to her and hug her the moment - but I know it's inappropriate to do that, while she still needs to talk to mom and dad. So I resisted my desire to do so.

She brought a news of alliance, and defended Magente.

This stirred me - it's odd and off. So I gave an idea to meet this prince. After that I really hugged her and pressed my nose on her hair. I can't help but miss her, as I memorize her scent.

Two days then, he arrived, the Crown Prince of Magente --- Art. He is two years older than us.

I don't like him, the air around me is oddly uncomfortable. He got mom and dad's liking in ease --- I hate it. And I hate it when I noticed Mistletoe flushed red when she stared at him after talking.

She's mine! -- Gah! I used to hate her but then poosh! Now, I am getting possessive on her. I admit, I am jealous.

What is happening to me?!

Before she leaved I hugged her again tightly and kissed her forehead. I saw her flushed. This time for me. It made my day.

She's definitely mine. Yep, she's my fiance, what could that Art probably do? --- Speaking of that guy, I need to look at him closer. I don't feel good about him.

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