🌊WISH 13🌊

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It was not that big, nor that small, but enough to burn my palms. Since I fail to reinforce with the correct amount of water to cover my face that's suppose to be hit by the fire.

The other girls was shock by Hayashen's action like me.

I bit my lower lip in the scorching pain that I felt a metallic taste to it. Tears also began to spring down my eyes. There was a heat, then the next thing is hot that it hurts like I've been stabbed by thousand needles - no, more like termites eating the flesh. Itchy, but at the same time painful. No ... what's the exact term? It's like my flesh is being eaten slowly, cells dying by the contact of great heat.

This feeling, the pain ....

Just lengthen my desire to burn her with her own freaking fire! No! More than the pain her fire brought! I want her to feel two-folds of her own attack!

I am trained to bear the pain on wounds or what throughout my body. But this doesn't mean it does not hurt! This pain is worst than the cut I got from the punches I receive from father, other butlers, and guardians during training. Worse than I was grazed by a long nailed woman fighter underground. Worse than kick in the guts.

The pain is long!



I felt an unknown energy escaped my body and is somehow draining me



Then I heard a painful scream. It pierce the tense air, as I saw by the corner of my eyes that the boys inside, rush to us.

The pain is still there as I fall down on my knees by an unknown force that drains my energy. --- But it wasn't me that's screaming.

No... It wasn't me - it was Hayashen.

She's screaming and crying in pain as she panicked and shouted at Wendy to release water on her palms, to soothe her pain. Though her palm looks alright, but she really looks like in grave pain.

I'll tell you, I have heard disturbing sounds that I would laugh at. Here are my top three list:

(3) The weird song played before the main fight in the underground fight.

(2) The old hag's (dad) angry shout.

(1) A cry of a cannon fodder who has the element of fire. A noble named Hayashen Brackenburry from a book I have read - Royal Love Gamble.

But then I can't laugh now. Not when I am also suffering in pain!

Kite reached me first when he noticed me slumped down - next Art. I look up to them and both their faces sketched their worries.

"What happened Mistle?" Kite asked, an edge on his voice. He didn't still see my palm that I fisted shut. He is asking me what I have done to Hayashen. Of course, he must've thought, I am doing the bullying scene like the former always do.

I didn't do anything to her stupid! This boy has the guts to tell me he likes me, yet accused me.

But Art saw beyond my slumped state. He notice my fisting hand as he kneeled down and wipe my tears away. "I can smell the burnt flesh, let me see" he said seriously as he held my hand softly.

His gentleness made me relax, getting accustomed to the pain as I slowly opened it. "Heavens!" Kite gasped in horror as he kneeled down beside Art to watch my palms.

"What did you do Mistle?" he asked worried. This made my anger dilate, as I heard Hayashen's cries got worse.

I glared at him gravely.

WISH: Princess Villainess Love Gambleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें