🌊WISH 35🌊

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Cessa Armaline a 17 years old underground fighter, and known as the name of Void. She had always love the thrill of fighting.

Her life --- has been destroyed, when she got pregnant with a fellow underground fighter, Cronus. Cronus loved her, but she does not love him back. She sees him as a curse.

But she stayed. Atleast she stayed for now. Cronus gave her all he could. The things she wanted, but she was showered with misery. She was stuck. As to why she felt deep hatred to Cronus?

It's because he destroyed her life, he deprived of her youth, she can't fight anymore like before, he shamed her --- he raped her.

When their daughter was around 5, she made the greatest decision in her life. She still wants to live her life as a youth, not a mother. So then she left. She lived her life indeed, she partied, and had dates, she played otome games like what most teenage girls do. --- After a year ... she died. And got reincarnated as Cessa again.

She tried to make a change, but fate find its way for it to happen. No matter how much she avoid it.

She did not fight, they still met. On another she leaved the place, they still met. On another she attempted to committed suicide, they met when he saved her. It happens again and again.

When she had the baby, she tried to kill it, but it survived, it always survive ... It happens again and again in a cycle - all ends to her misery every time.

One time on her countless lifetime. She and Cronus got into a fight when Cronus confronted her to atleast love their daughter, instead - 'Take her, I don't want her in the first place.' she yelled and walked out to pack her things. Upon doing so, she discovered the secret library within Cronus' residence. And found the book --- A big book, on the upper part of the shelf, and in white bold letters read it's title 'WISH'.

If she have a wish. She definitely wished that if she die, she will not get reincarnated into another Cessa Armaline lifetime. She wants her misery to end.

She read the book, and found out that it is actually the book version of the Volume 2 of an otome game she once played in one of her lifetime.

The Volume two was programmed that Heroine will fall to Wendyll Tifon instead of the chosen love interest in Vol. 1. It was lame but the programmers did it, there's no choice. It's like those anime seasons that other spoilers would advice you not to watch the next season if you don't want to get disappointed. Or like the feeling when you watch Pocahontas 1, and because the ending was cliffhanger you daydreamed the ending for them to meet again and have happy ending. But years later you discovered Pocahontas 2, only to be met by an ending you did not expect. It was like that. It's not always how you expect things to go.

The villainess in this volume is Wendy Tifon. She became the villainess because of her jealousy to Heroine. She was used of her brother's attention always on her, and when Shanna came, the attention was diverted. She attempted to kill the Heroine who have a hold of the Soul Sword. The sword that could kill the soul itself.

But she was instead killed by Wendyll who have the life sword. The life sword that gives life, that gives chance.

This caused Wendy, to reincarnate again and again, and watch again and again how Heroine stole his brother's attention. Her path was worse than Mistletoe, the villainess in Volume 1. For her is a curse of a misery that will never end.

Only because she did not see the light of the chance, she did not change. If only she'll learn to accept things, until then ... her misery will end.

At the same reason, if only Cessa had learned but she didn't. She was too blinded by her own world. She can't accept it, she can't change. She left like she used to in her past lifetime - and she died like always. A crooked way to see it but someday you'll understand.

Only this time, she did not get reincarnated as Cessa Armaline again. She got reincarnated as Wendy Tifon. She knows her path, death but with a curse. Anyways, she has the curse before she had become Wendy!

But this lifetime, she had a chance to change it. She could get killed by the Soul Sword instead of the Life. She would do anything to attain the sword, so that she could end her misery.

What she did not count into account. Was the other reincarnated characters that made big changes.

The villainess with the humor of fate that happens to be her daughter. And the hidden villain. Both have made a wreck in her smooth plan.

Her plan was to use her discovered other ability --- the ability of Void. The ability to nullify the elements. While she works as a shadow.

She scared the heroine's half-sister to null her elements for life if she will not follow her. Later on when the girl learned other magic, it was on Cessa's disadvantage. She used it against them, to keep the doubts away.

She casted Wendyll out of the picture, so he and Heroine could not meet, and so that he could not attain the Life Sword. But he was gone instead to another dimension, that Cessa saw the hidden villain used.

She used void in one of his portal. The portal back to Magente. So that if ever, he could not come back. She knew that the hidden villain role was to make Heroine's life miserable. If that happened then, maybe Heroine could attain the sword faster, and she would not wait for Volume 1 to end, in which the death of the villainess Mistletoe Wyvern.

But only to get miserable when she heard the Soul Sword hasn't been attained by Heroine, and that Hidden Villain was not making her life miserable at all. If she didn't - then who did?!

She tried putting Heroine's life in line, so that maybe heroine would have no choice but to use the soul sword to defend. But she didn't, she was saved, by all means, the villainess that should suffer the fate of death, but who seems like not getting it.

Then she saw it at one event. She saw the Life Sword wielded by the hidden villain.

She was always suspicious when she encountered the changes years ago, starting with the villainess of Volume 1, and next the early appearance of the hidden villain. But she did not mind it.

Now it was her mistake. The life sword that would curse her has been attained by someone.

If that someone has attained it. It means he has someone who's he is willing to sacrifice his life for. --- Who?

She still did not know...

But when she saw the prince of Ponzana went out the room of the villainess Mistletoe. And within the room, a small portal was opened - the portal of the villain. And the spreaded rumors after that day ... now she knew...

Art Magente was trying to protect the villainess. She has her doubts, that maybe also, because of the changes, villainess had attained the Soul Sword. To confirm - he attacked the villain first, through the use of Catalina.

The day has come ... For it all to end.

WISH: Princess Villainess Love GambleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz