Luke P.O.V

I was walking out of the classroom to fill up a water bottle real quick when I hear talking in the hall. I usually mind my own business but this didn't sound like your typical high school drama. It sounded a bit like a cry for help. So I stayed in the door way listening to their quiet conversation. "Are you sure your ok? In every class your blanking out. And to make matters worse is you cant even walk straight. What is going on Sarah I'm worried." I heard a girl say. Sarah... Hmm... Isn't that the one girl we met this morning. Something did seem wrong but I never said anything. I walk out where the two eyeballed me. I look at them both. I see Sarah roll her eyes and literally sway on both feet before standing normal again. I could tell something was seriously wrong. But I'll wait and tell the guys after class so we don't cause a scene. "Ladies class is about to start please go find your seat." I say. I see them nod and apologize and go inside. Then I go to fill up the bottle and go back.

Sarah P.O.V

My head at this point is pounding. Can hear my heart beat fill inside my brain. Everytime one of the guys come over and ask if I'm ok I can feel my stomach twist and I just nod. I go back to doing my work.

The bell rung which meant one thing lunch. Today I was eating with Mr.Hemmings and his four lads. I walk to my locker and put my stuff away and walk to Mr.Hemmings office where I know he'll be. I walk in and see all five guys getting their coats on. Once I open the door though they all look at me and give me a smile. "Alright love ready for some real food instead on the boring school food?" Mr.Hemmings asked me. I gave a nod with a smile. We walk out and get into his car and drive to a restaurant. Lunch is going really well. I'm sitting next to Mr.Hemmings and on the other side of him is Michael and then on the opposite side of the table is Calum, Ashton, and Luke. I let the guys talk as I quietly eat my food. Man these French fries are bomb. And this burger is even better! I exclaim to myself. As I'm enjoying my chocolate shake Luke turns to me since he is sitting across from me. "So you wanna talk about what happened in the hallway with you and your friend?" He asks quietly while the others talk. I shake my head. "It was nothing." I say seeing him simply nod.

After lunch we go back to the school. The rest of my day was normal. Except for all the headaches, dizziness, and now cramps. Which indicate I'm about to start my period. Great. Well I guess I jinxed myself this morning. I pack up my bag and start heading 'home'. I see Mr.Hemmings pull up in his car next to me as I began walking. I stop and look as he rolls his window down. "Hey Sarah! Need a lift?" He asked. I know its a nice gesture and all but I don't want him to find out about my whole situation. I cant let him find out. "No thank you I have to make a few stops before heading home anyways. And plus I'm not going home in heading to a babysitters house. My parents are working tonight." I told him. Only spitting facts. I was making a few stops before heading home. And my parents usually do work today at the same time. But I'm not going to a sitters house I'm going to the place I call home. Which is a run down house. "Ok but if you need anything text me." He says making me nod. Once he seen me nod he pulled off. That's when I felt it. My cramps. They usually are hell. My mom usually helps me through my period. But she doesn't want anything to do with me or they would have found me by now. I hold my stomach as I walk straight to the house. I'll make my stops later I need to rest a bit before getting up and continue walking. So that's what I did. After about an hour of resting I get up and drink some water before grabbing my wallet and heading out the door. Around this time there should be no more teachers or students out and about so I should be good. I quickly run across the street and into the store. I felt my cramps get worse. I bit my lip as I walk straight to the toiletries part and grab 2 boxes of tampons and pads and some Midol. As I'm walking to the cash register I see something I never wanted to see. At least not like this. All five guys were here. This is gonna be lovely. I walk up to the cash register hoping they won't notice me. Then as I grab my bag and about to head out I feel a hand lightly touch my shoulder. As I turn around I'm face to face with Mr.Hemmings. "Sarah is that you?" I cant lie about that. No reason to. So I nod. "God Sarah your as white as a ghost what's wrong?" I can see concern in his facial features. Then I see the guys coming over with bags of their own. They all stop and stare at me. I feel highly uncomfortable. I just want to go back to the house and lay down. "Mr.Hemmings please excuse me I need to leave." I tell him in quite a hurry to get back. "Love I don't think you should be walking like this." He tells me making the guys agree. "Hey why don't we take you home ok?" He asks. I shake my head. "No that wont be necessary." I tell him. He looks at me concern still on his face. "Ok but if you need anything g you tell me alright." I nod. Him and the guys get into the car. They all look concerned. I just wanna sleep. I wait until they drive off to go into the house. Once I'm inside I get myself situated. I grab out the Midol and take 2 pills with water. Then I lay down hoping that these cramps wont be as bad. Only if I knew that it just gets a whole shit ton worse.

I wake up and check the time. It's 12:54 am. Omfg. I grab my stomach and cry.

No one to hold

No one to snuggle

No one to care

No one to help

I'm all alone.

What I keep telling myself. Should I risk it? I ask myself. Then I get an extremely bad cramp. Yup I'm definitely risking it. Fuck it. I tell myself as I open my phone and click Mr.Hemmings number. Almost instantly he picks up. "Sarah why are you still up?" He asks. I start crying. "Sarah what's wrong love?" He asks in a concerning tone. "It hurts." I cry out into the phone. "Love what hurts?" I can hear the other guys in the background talk g about the situation. "Cramps." Is all I can manage to get out before completely sobbing. "Ok babes we are coming to your house now ok hang in there." He tells me. "I'm not at home." I tell him trying so hard not to scream. "Ok well where are you?" "Abandoned house." I say. I know he knows which one I'm talking about cause the school gets calls from kids being inside. "Ok Sarah we will talk about that soon but for now I need you to stay on the phone with me. Right now me and the guys are coming to get you. Okay?" He asked. "Okay." I say. "Good girl we are right around the corner. Just try to breathe." I do as he says and within 5 minutes I hear the door being opened. I look up from my little ball on the floor and see the guys there with bags in their hands and they come rushing to my side. "Hey love we are here to help you but we first want to do a quick check to make sure your stable to move and its nothing serious alright." Luke says and I nod. He starts checking my vitals along with Ashton. While I cant see Michael or Calum. And Mr.Hemmings is holding my hand. "Ok love it looks like just some bad ass cramps from your menstrual cycle. You'll be ok with some pain meds and a hot water bottle which by the looks of it you don't have the advantage of." He says with a sigh. Next thing I know I'm being lifted up and put I to a car. "What the-" my sentence was cur off by Mr.Hemmings. "your staying at my place until we figure things out. For now just focus on positive thoughts we will talk tomorrow when your a little better." He tells me making me nod. I see Michael and Calum putting all my stuff that I had into the trunk as Luke and Ashton get in the car. Once everyone was in the car we started driving. All the little bumps made my cramps awful. I grip my stomach and Luke must have noticed cause he put his arm around me and unbuckled me and laid me on his and Calum's laps. I was confused all to hell. Then he started to gently but with some force rub circles on my lower tummy making me feel a bit of relief. I felt relaxed as well. Before I knew it I was out like a light.

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