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SOMEHOW NATALIA was not surprised when she learned Klaus had formed a cult

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SOMEHOW NATALIA was not surprised when she learned Klaus had formed a cult. From what she had gathered the group was extremely clingy and they all believed Klaus to be some prophet. Until yesterday, Natalia hadn't realized just how much she had missed her dysfunctional family. 

In truth she was sick of living in the 1960's, she was sick of the segregation, she was sick of the men, and over all she was sick of wearing dresses all the time. Everything was fancy for the women even when it wasn't a dress it was something to look flattering and all Natalia wanted to wear was sweatpants and a sweatshirt. But whether she liked it or not, she was stuck here. So all she could do was make the best out of it.

"How's Ray holding up?" The woman who owns the beauty parlor asked Allison.

"Ray is Ray." Allison replied with a small nod. 

Allison had made a spot to Klaus' mansion earlier in the day to pick up Natalia as well as to see her brother. Natalia didn't really want to leave but she knew the sit down they had planned was too important to miss and Allison knew it to.

"When's he getting out?" One of the men asked.

"I'm working on that." Allison said with a firm nod.

"We need to post pone the sit-in."

"No way." Allison declared.

"Excuse me?"

"Kennedy arrives in five days. We have to take advantage. We can't wait." Allison argued.

"I don't know." The woman who owns the parlor said. "Something doesn't feel right without Ray."

"Ray would want us to move forward." Allison reassured.

"Did he say that to you? Those exact words?" 

"He didn't have to. Because this movement is bigger than all of us. Even Ray." Allison defended.

"Mmm. I'm calling it." The man declared. "We postpone."

"Why don't we vote on it?" Allison suggested. 

"We're not voting on it." The man declared.

"Why the hell not?" The woman who owns the parlor challenged.

"Because that's now how this works."

"You trying to tell me how this works? In my own damn beauty parlor?" The woman questioned. "What? You about to start coiffin' hair, too?"

"No mam."

"I didn't think so."

"Look, we've been organizing this sit-in for months." Allison began as she stood up from her chair and walked to the front of the group. "When Kennedy gets here, so do the cameras. Now is the time to show the world what it is really like for us down here. And to show the police that we will not be bullied into submission. We will continue to fight for equality, even in the face of persecution. With or without Ray. Because we're ready. All in favor?"

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