Mini update 1

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Alrighty to start this off I hope you all had a good Christmas if you do celebrate it. I'm pretty sure my favorite thing I got was a record player but anyways on with what I'm here to say. So I was kind of hoping my parents would just end up getting me a new computer for Christmas but that didn't happen (that sounds kinda spoiled I swear I'm not like that). So I have decided to just buy a new once since repairing the screen would probably be just as expensive. Um the family of the child who broke it refuse to pay for it because and I quote "some of the damage was there before and he didn't mean to." So yeah. My parents and I have come to an agreement of a 50/50 split pay since I'm trying to save as much money as I can for college. So I'll keep you all updated on when I get this a new one but I have no idea when that'll be. 

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