FOUR. First Day of School

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chapter four.

first day of school🦋✨📘🪄

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first day of school

Dear Dad,
What part did you actually have in the decision that it was the right time to reinstate the Triwizard Tournament? Because it is frankly an incredibly stupid decision.

People have died in this tournament Dad! Like actual death, no coming back! Do you know how close people get to dying in this school without dangerous games to be played by students? Like seriously this school is normally quite the death trap. What of the risks?

Don't chalk this up to me being the worry full person that I am. It's called common sense. It's really quite simple. When running a school for children try to have as little risk as possible.

And before you mention the whole seventeen-year-old age restriction thing. There's still a risk of death. It's really quite dumb if you think about it all.

Sure maybe it's all fun and games and I don't worry this much about Quidditch. But that's different, there are rules and we know what to expect. We know nothing about these tasks. So seriously what is the benefit?

In other news, Robin is disappointed that he won't have a chance to even try and be on the Quidditch team this year. Did you realise that to do this you'd have to cancel Quidditch? Shouldn't that surely disappoint your love of Quidditch. You brought Ravenclaw house to victory many times! Why are you stopping that?

Nothing really to report as I'm finishing this letter off at the breakfast of my first day. Last night we learnt our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is Mad-Eye Moody! An ex Auror. This school baffles me sometimes. I prefer Lupin already.

I hope nothing startling has occurred to you back at home and that you are well.
I love you despite your bizarre decision. I miss you already!

With lots of love,
Electra xx

Electra finished signing her letter to her father. It was the morning after the speech at the breakfast table. Next to Electra Robin eyed his timetable whilst shoving toast into his mouth. "We still have Care of Magical Creatures with the Hufflepuff's," Robin told her with excitement in his voice which made Electra eye him sceptically.

"That's good," Electra muttered as she too shoved food into her face.

"You finished your letter of complaint?" Robin asked her.

Electra nodded, "I'm gonna show it to Iris," she says, "See if she has anything to add,"

"What's Iris gonna add?" Robin asked looking over at where the other Deveraux was sitting with her friends, "She doesn't seem so concerned by it all,"

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