"Well I called to apologize for what happened when we were kids. I don't know if he told you , whoever you are" Asshole, why would he not tell me? I know everything about him. He really is an ex, and a bitter one too.

"- but me and my friends jumped him on the way to school. I don't regret what I did but I do regret how I did it. I should have beat his ass by myself." I tense realizing this is who Carlos told me about I slowly count to 10 and practice my breathing.

"Anyways I heard about your sister and wanted to call."

"Ok" was all I said Carlos nodding behind me, because what was he trying to do, make amends and get back together with him? Not happening he's mine and he always will be.

"I saw her the night that she died, she was married to my best friend. You all probably didn't recognize him, but he was sent into her life to fuck up yours. He ended up falling in love with the girl and my whole plan went to shit. A few years later , I decided to go to a therapist. And with the help of my therapist, I learned that the reason I hated you was because you made me feel. You made me feel like I would die without you. Every single day without you was pure hell and I just wanted you back. Even if it was you tied up in ropes, I wanted you. When he fell in love with Em-

"Don't call her that." I said, undoing his fist one finger at a time while the asshole just got quiet.


"Ok, with your sister then I realized that I wanted that with you. So I went to a therapist and I got better. I'm sorry for everything I put you through. I didn't know he was a drunk Carlos, I wouldn't have stood by and let him beat her. They moved and we lost connection. He hit me up a year ago and told me the news, said she drowned in the lake swimming."

"He killed her." That was the first that he had said this whole time and I knew at that point I had to be strong for him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know... I was just calling to check in. He found her phone around the house and I asked him to give me your number. I just want to start things fresh, can we have lunch?"

"You come ANYWHERE near him, and you're arrested, do you hear me? You are a grown man. He wants nothing to do with you. He will be filling a restraining order this afternoon. Any last words because you won't see him or speak to him ever again?" I said moving out of his arms pacing the room, I need space.

This asshole had the audacity to sit here and apologize and think all of that past trauma that he caused the love of my life will just disappear? And he wanted to take it a step further, "cAn We HaVe LuNcH" hell no you can't have lunch with him , are you dumb?

I keep pacing when I hear his stupid voice again.

"I'm sorry about your sister, I didn't know."

Carlos took the phone and hung up. I hear the doorbell ringing and I walk to it. I smile at the door dash worker and tip her $10 cash. "Thank you so much" she nods and walks away.

I bring the food into the kitchen table and walk back into the bedroom to check on Carlos.

"TK what the hell?" Sheshhhhh his ex was delusional!

"I know right? The nerve of his to even call you!" I walk around the room when he pulls me into a tight hug

"Thank you so much." I rub his back and kiss him on the cheek trying to transfer my strength to him through this hug, knowing he needs it.

I hold him just as tightly as I speak " You were born strong baby, you can do this, do you want me to stay with you before I go to work?" He just nods and I bring him towards the bed laying on top of him. I take deep breathes and he matches me slowing down his heart rate. I wipe the tears from his eyes as he pulls me closer

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