A Part Of You

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It had just been over forty eight hours since Lyra had landed back on Coruscant land. Not a long time given the grand scheme of things, but to some it might have served as enough in order to address the many unspoken truths that lingered around them. With everything had that happened thus far however, Lyra liked to believe she had a viable excuse to avoid the subject as a whole. At least until things quieted down around the temple. That was, if Obi-Wan even wanted to discuss it in the first place. He'd had ample opportunity to bring it up, to give his side of the story where she had been left empty handed.

But he hadn't, which either meant he had the same mindset as her, or the elder Jedi Knight didn't want to discuss it at all. She wasn't quite sure yet which of those options would be less unnerving, maybe they were both as bad as each other. Force knows, Lyra surely felt no real inclination to bring up the matter of their parting ten years ago. Felt it unnecessary and like it would simply stir old things which should be lain to rest by now.

Now was not the time for the past. She thought as she walked alongside Obi-Wan through the grand temple, their boots dulling their footsteps against the royal blue carpet that made out the pathway towards the small teaching room Yoda currently occupied with some youngling students. The large bronze statues of ancient Jedi Masters of the distant past waved by them as they walked, the intricate sculpture to her right holding up some sort of spherical orb in an elegant stance.

Would Master Yoda ever receive a stature of that kind of grandeur once he passed into the Force? He would certainly deserve it, for all he'd done and taught of the Jedi Order.

"Reach out. Sense the Force around you. Use your feelings you must" Her kind Master's words echoed as they neared the open doorway, the words like a distant memory in her head from the time Yoda had recited them to her too.

'To use one's feelings', the naive thought made her sneer internally as she entered into the room ahead of Obi-Wan, ever the gentlemen to let her pass with a wave of his hand and a bow of his head.

They stopped respectfully in patience side by side to wait for Master Yoda to halt his ongoing lesson.

"Wise words, Master. As always" Lyra bowed low to the smaller Master who offered her a small smile in return before turning to address his class.

"Younglings. Younglings!" He had to call twice for them all to pay attention, lowering their training sabers and removing their headgear.

"Visitors we have" Master Yoda stated slowly.

The careful looks on the younglings faces as they took in the sight of the Jedi knights made something stir in Lyra's mind. This looked so much like the days in which she too had been a youngling, of when she had looked to all the older Jedi in training and let awe and aspiration guide her life. The training had been hard and long, sometimes cruel in some aspects. These Younglings had to much potential, such a future ahead of them. Sadly one she wasn't quite sure anymore that she could completely recommend.

"Hello, Master Obi-Wan, Master Lyra" She was surprised they'd known her name.

Was it worth to give up everything to serve the Jedi Order? To her, yes, on most days. But for these innocent children...that would know no different. She saw the sideways glance Obi-Wan gave her and quickly reigned back her doubt and fleeting hesitation.

"Hello" Obi-Wan offered back gently, the small smile on his face making her bite back a smile of her own. He was good around kids.

"We're sorry to disturb you, Master" Lyra stepped closer to her Master with a small bow of her hooded head at the younglings, untucking her hands from her long dark Jedi robes to pull forth the object they needed assistance with.

Trust in the Force | Obi-Wan KenobiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin