Teach Me Control

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{ Twelve Years Earlier }

"Close your eyes, you must"

Master Yoda's low and wise voice filled the small meditation space which Master and Apprentice occupied together in the Jedi Temple. No one dared interrupt the lesson, especially one taught by the elder Master, even while the door remained unlocked and easily accessed by anyone wandering by, so sure was her Master of the respect he deserved, that he had earned, that he would not lock it even while Lyra had questioned him about it upon their arrival. It would be the last time she ever did bring it up, knowing full well the answer would never change even if a youngling or a lost padawan did enter the space by accident. The Jedi had no secrets, no ulterior motives beyond the will of the Force and the peace of the galaxy, so why should they hide any of what they teach.

"My apprentice, be in the here and now you should be. And not distracted by your thoughts, hmm" He hummed, the words ringing her back into startling reality that made her sit up straighter upon her circular cushion and shake her head free of her wondering mind.

She had a task to complete here, there would be time for thinking about other things later. She chided herself and took a deep and calming breath to centre herself in her mind, focusing only on the room, the moment, and her Master's calming Force presence circling her as he observed with his usual keen gaze.

"Good good, yes, let the Force run through you" Again, he hummed the words gently to her from somewhere over her shoulder. She couldn't be sure if he caught the way her hands twitched and balled into fists with concentration, but knew regardless of where his eyes lingered he was paying complete attention to her progress.

"Now, these emotions you feel from others, analyse them you must. What you feel, tell me"

Easier said than done, last time the young padawan had let the feelings of others into her head it had caused her a panic attack and a long while left meditating on her own to balance herself again. It wasn't even that those emotions had been in anyway aggressive or even negative, but to be battered by a whole flood from within the temple itself without having time to shift through them? It had thrown off her unprepared mind and flung it into the depths of space where she could no longer distinguish herself from the thoughts and feelings of others around her.

It was the whole reason these lessons had started taking place in the first instance, she needed to learn how to control it.

Starting off small, she reached just barely beyond the boundaries of the room and into the hallway outside. A Master from the way his force signature remained strong and controlled walked beside his padawan learner. A green and blue hue in their signatures threaded together in a bond of Master and apprentice similar to the one she held with Master Yoda. She couldn't tell what they were discussing, couldn't make out the details. But when she delved in gently against them she sensed unease, confusion, a hint of wariness.

"A padawan and their Master" She began explaining to Yoda under her breath, figuring she should probably speak and convey on what she was picking up on.

"They seem to be in a debate or discussion of some kind".

"Hmm" Her Master acknowledged her words "From this discussion, what can you feel?"

Her fingertips twitched, knowing she would have to dig beyond cluing together the hints and actually feel whatever they were in order to answer that question for certain. It meant reaching beyond, giving up her own identity in favour of distinguishing another's, a sensation she didn't think she could ever quite get used to.

So she pushed deeper, into the signatures to weave amongst them to the centre. The instant barrage of emotions making her lean back in her seat "Worry, conflict" Lyra breathed, sweat forming on her brow and hands clenching harder. Whatever the padawan was feeling, she felt it for them and frowned to herself. They were passionate whoever they were.

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