Seeking Wisdom

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{ Twelve Years Earlier }

It had become an unexpected habit for Lyra Din-So to find herself within the Jedi Archives. Or maybe it wasn't a surprise to anyone but herself in the end, Master Nu had taken to the development remarkably easy after the first few times she'd tried to tell the young girl off and recite to her that she wasn't allowed access to most of the knowledge held within.

That was years ago now however, and the more time Lyra spent managing to sneak her way into a new set of texts, the less the old Jedi librarian had become concerned about her presence there. On some occasions she'd even picked out a particular selection for Lyra herself, and advised her on how to proceed on a certain thread of research.

In Lyra's opinion Jocasta Nu was definitely warming up to her, especially once she'd caught the way the padawan had began helping out others, Jedi Masters and learners alike who came to the library seeking knowledge. It was good having a little assistant around after all.


She turned towards the voice that called out her, finding Aayla Secura pacing towards her at a rapid speed. She seemed pressed, as if under time constraint and Lyra frowned in concern for her friend.

"Something the matter?" She asked when the Twi'lek girl stopped in front of her and shook her head, too out of breath for a second to reply.

"Haven't you heard?" When Aayla finally managed to speak, she lifted an eyebrow at the smaller girl.

"Heard about what?"

"The Council has been called to a large meeting with all the Jedi Knights and Masters currently on Coruscant or close by" Aayla explained quickly "The temple is almost empty besides padawans and younglings" she gestured to the empty library around them in emphasis. Lyra hadn't even noticed the lack of Force presences today, too busy burying her head in ancient texts on Jedi saber forms.

"Why?" Lyra asked finally, unsure of why the Twi'lek girl seemed to excited by the prospect for some reason. Council meetings weren't unheard of, even if large ones like this were rare.

"That's besides the point, it means we're almost completely unsupervised" Aayla exclaimed excitedly, clasping her hands together in front of her while she waited for the blond to finally realise what she was hinting at.

Once the realisation set in, at the prospect that idea held. Lyra's eyes widened and she tucked away the data pad in her hand to it's rightful place before turning to Aayla who's own gaze had gone wide and gleeful "Aayla we could get caught!" She urged already knowing the two had discussed the subject at length years ago.

"We'll sneak in and out, we don't even have to be gone long" Her friend took her hand and began pulling her away from the glowing shelves and towards their sleeping quarters "We said the next time the opportunity arises we would do it Lyra, did we not?".

It was hard to argue with facts and the blond slowly nodded her head even while the worry about getting caught remained "How will be blend in, I don't posses any clothing that don't distinctly scream 'Jedi', and I need something to cover my face " she asked quickly.

"Don't worry about that, you'll fit into what I have".

It wasn't anything new to Lyra that Aayla possessed her own set of clothes that weren't the usual conservative Jedi kind. That she how ever fit into them perfectly was a surprise, though they exposed far too much of her arms and legs for Lyra's taste.

"See, and this will keep your face hidden, though I still don't know why you should hide it you're far to pretty" Aalya said while she secured a thin mask and small hood that concealed everything below her eye-line from view.

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