You've Changed

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The young Jedi knight knew this assignment was nothing more than a glorified body guard duty, even with the threat of another assassination attempt it wasn't all that common for Jedi to play guard to a Senator, no matter how important they may be. It didn't put her off the task of course, it was still something that needed to be done, and if the council deemed it important enough she would handle it as such. Though she was still confused as to why she had been paired with Kenobi and his padawan Skywalker for this, they made an odd trio to be sure.

It probably had something to do with the council wanting to find out how much Lyra had developed and grown in her time away. To gouge her capabilities they had yet to witness first hand, whilst insuring she had sufficient back up in the form of Obi-Wan Kenobi, pairing her up seemed a good compromise in the end.

What she could not figure out however, was why Anakin had become suddenly so nervous on their way to the Senate building. It was as if the closer they came, the more unsure he was becoming. Hands fiddling with his sleeves, adjusting his hair, glancing out whatever windows he could find on the transport shuttle as they landed on the landing pad. She could practically feel it vibrating at her fingertips with how hard he projected it. Surely Obi-Wan had picked up on it too, though he had yet to voice it.

Just before Lyra could enter the elevator up to the floor of Senator Amidala, a large hand on her arm halted her in her tracks. Obi-Wan kept one foot in the sliding doors to keep them open as he turned his face down towards her. The Jedi knight could only frown up at him in curiosity.

"I am glad to see you well, and back at the temple" He said softly, low enough to make her question if he intended his waiting padawan to hear his words. "I wasn't informed of your arrival, me and Anakin were stuck in the outer rim in a border dispute otherwise I would've-"

"It's fine, Jedi Kenobi, you had your duties and I had mine" The blond Jedi cut him off lowly, even if she had been a little disappointed he hadn't come to greet her sooner, she held no malice towards his plight. Even if he had found the time to see her and decided not to, she wouldn't have judged him for such a decision either. He had no obligation to her, fellow Jedi or not.

She could see the hint of guilt swimming in his blue eyes even as he tried to hide it. Lyra had always found is particularly easy to pick up on the emotions of others through the Force, a gift, Master Yoda had told her, that was a rare and precious one. She hadn't shared the sentiment even if she had wished to, sensing other's pain and happiness carried with it troubles and burdens of its own. Sometimes it was hard to distinguish which were her own and which were not, harder even to block out sometimes. Especially in a city inhabited by so many countless lives, each one holding a whole new array of emotions of their own.

"Let's speak no more of it" Glancing from his chest back to Anakin who stood staring down at his black boots obviously trying not to intrude on their conversion, Lyra clenched and unclenched her jaw in contemplation before parting the doorway through the Force with a wave of her hand and stepping into the elevator. There was nothing else to be said, at least not from her end. Even while the words of betrayal screamed at the bottom of her throat for release.

Obi-Wan followed after her with a sigh, shuffling himself to the side of Anakin while Lyra remained silently between and behind the pair. She felt a fraction out of place here.

For the third time since the elevator had began it's ascent, young Skywalker adjusted the Jedi robes on his shoulders, and finally Kenobi seemed to take notice.

"You seem a little on edge?" The bearded Jedi remarked, head turning towards his apprentice.

"Not at all" The padawan was quick to defend himself, eyes skirting around the small space they all shared.

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