3.6 (finale)

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Graduation day

I didn't even realise how fast those two years passed, all these things happened in a blink of an eye. I was glad I managed not only to graduate ,unlike Samuel, Valerio, Rebeka and Guzman, but now I was able to study at a private collage abroad. 

Today the school had organised a party -more like an event- for us, the graduates. The last party at school didn't end up well, and I just had the same wrong feeling for this end-of-the-year party.

We were all at school, everyone accompanied by their parents and siblings, I was feeling a little bit jealous for not having a family, but I was used to it. All these years Samuel and his mother used to be my family, but it seems I've lost them too. 

The only problem right now was Polo. Nadia and Lu agreed on sharing the scholarship, which was provided by Polo's mothers. Nadia refused to admit that Polo was a murderer only not to feel guilty about accepting the scholarship, and I think so did Lu. Fortunately, my scholarship was provided by the college itself so I had no second thoughts or guilt issues. 


We were all gathered at the conference hall, wearing our fanciest clothes, as we were about to move the party at the club later, waiting for the ceremony to begin. Azucena got on stage to open the ceremony with a short speech and then yielded the floor to us; the 3 scholarship winners. First I got on stage and talked about somethings like the opportunities the school provided and how thankful I am and how I am about to grab any chance provided and ..... blah blah blah. 

I knew that Lu and Nadia planned to make a much more surprising and special speech, risking to lose the scholarship. If needed, I was about to help them too, wishing not to lose my scholarship,  but still doubting I won't.

I finished my little speech and gained a loud applause from the crowd. I scanned the audience a bit to see my classmates on first raw, except from Guzman, Valerio, Rebeka and Samuel. My gaze stopped on Samuel to see him upset face. 'Is there any way he could be upset because I was leaving away'  I thought and moved a little back to give space to the two girls. 

An ambassador from Columbia came to give them their award saying how pleased they are to have them...I was behind them the whole time and I could see how guilty and unsteady they were.

Lu started to speak but didn't manage to finish her speech. Nadia took over and dedicated the award to the four students that didn't graduate. She was speaking on behalf of me and Lu, especially Lu, as they two had the scholarship from Polo's mothers...

Everyone clapped at this, but Nadia changed her tone 

NADIA:"Our friend are there due to a series of injustices the most serious of all being the one that deprived of us having Marina with us" I shivered only by hearing her name. I glanced at Polo to see him tense up, I looked at Samuel who was starring at me, and then I looked back at the two girls feeling I needed to help them, I took a step front to the microphone 

MARIA:"That's right. And we all know who is responsible for this chaos." I said not regretting this at all, besides my scholarship had nothing to do with Polo and no one could deprive it from me, I had won it and I deserved it.


Everyone in the room was tensed, especially Polo and his mothers. I glanced at Samuel and Guzman and gained a 'thank you'  smile from them. I smiled back not hearing what Lu was saying, basically stuck at Samuel's smile. I was cut off by Polo's mother practically pushing me to get to the microphone.

POLO'S MOTHER:"The scholarship has been called off" she said and continued talking to cover herself and her child. I was glad I could keep my scholarship but I was so mad at Polo right now, all I wanted was revenge; for me, for Guzman and Marina and above all for Nano and Samuel.

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