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*drugs mentioned*

SAMUEL:"From your side?"

MARIA:"From both sides"

SAMUEL:"You can't talk about me and what I feel" I didn't answer. The truth is I was confused, I loved Nano to death, but things were not clear with Samuel, we were friends and I had never thought of him like something more, but now, now everything was blurry. "Anyway lets go"


We arrived at my home and told Samu to go to his and that I would be there in a little. I wanted to think and also change. I took a bath and thought, I wore some jeans and a top, I took my phone, drunk a beer and left. I arrived at Nano's and rang the bell, he opened the door and sighted


MARIA:"No, I am not, I want to talk"I scanned the room and I couldn't see Samuel."Where is Samuel?"

NANO:"That's who you care about"

MARIA:"Of course I care, we were friends since we were little, but Nano, I love you, and don't forget that both Samu and I forgave you for sleeping with Marina"

NANO:"It's not the same. Your boyfriend is inside if you want to talk..."he lit up his cigarette."Or maybe no, leave I don't want you here"then Samuel appeared. "And take your boyfriend with you"

MARIA:"You don't really mean this"

NANO:"I do, Maria leave"

MARIA:"I will, but Samuel is your brother, don't treat him like that. Let him stay, let him stay and I will leave"

NANO:"Fine"he said"Now go" I blinked to stop the tears from falling and opened the door to leave.

MARIA:"I still love you, always and forever, we said...I thought you did too"I muttered loud enough for him to hear me and left.

I  started walking at the empty streets of Madrid, I couldn't go home, I went at a spot where I was going with Nano and started smoking weed. It was my forth or fifth joint when I realised I needed something stronger. I called Valerio

*on the phone call*

VALERIO:"Maria, is everything okey?"

MARIA:"Not exactly, are you free? Am I bothering you?"

VALERIO:"No no, I am alone, tell me"

MARIA:"I need drugs"

VALERIO:"Don't you have weed?"

MARIA:"Yeah I have, but I need something stronger"

VALERIO:"Are you sure?"


VALERIO:"Where are you?"

MARIA:"At the park"

VALERIO:"I'll be there soon, guapa"he said and hanged the phone


After 10-15 minutes Valerio arrived, I was already high. My eyes were red from weed and from crying.

VALERIO:"What happened love?"

MARIA:"I broke up with Nano"


MARIA:"He found out I slept with Samuel while he was away"

VALERIO:"Damn Maria."

MARIA:"I know I screwed up, but I love Nano, I can't lose him"I started crying again

VALERIO:"Come on please, don't cry"he said and hugged me kissing my forehead 

MARIA:"Did you bring the drugs"

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