Chapter 40

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My theme song went loud through the arena.As I got out I was welcome by many cheering and clapping.I hugged my boys and me and Colby did out signiture hand shake with made everyone laugh.

"Wow what a crowd honestly I didn't expect this much cheering."I said while still cheering but then stopped

"I was like 3 while Colby or as everyone know him Seth Rollins was 10 years old he used to watch Wrestling.I honestly hated Wrestling and I always fight with him because I didn't want to see violence.I wanted to see Barney or Cinderella"I said and everyone laughed

"But one time we had 2 visiters Leati Joseph Anoa'i Roman Reigns and Jonathan Good Dean Ambrose.They were bestfriends with my annoying brother and they forced me to watch wrestling.But that's when I changed my mind.To be exactly two people changed my mind.Trish Stratus and Lita."And everyone shouted as I mention them.

"They're two amazing divas of all time.6 years later I started wrestling,I used to go with my brother practise with him.He was 16 and I was 9 years old.Colby's teacher Danny Daniels,had told me that I have a true passion and never stop fight for what I want and that someday I will be a good wrestler.I was only nine a I ignored him."And everyone laughed again

"It was only a year after my younger sister Kayla died. She was 3 and died from a rare brain cancer.I was very sad because I had lost the person that I love.But life has to go on so I decided to do what I love.Wrestling. In 2009 I had dropped from high school to become a professional wrestler.My parents didn't like it because they didn't want me to get hurt but because there was my brother, Roman and Dean which I forgot to tell you from that day we became best friends and still are.So thank you wrestling."And there was some laughing

"My parents had accepted my decision.Later in 2009 I was offered a contract to go to FCW.I was like wow I am only 16 and got accepted. My ringname as everyone knows was Taj Destroye. That was the best time of my life.I was there for a year and I was 3x Mixed Gender Tag Team Championship x2 with Dean Ambrose as the Unstables." And everyone cheered

Unstables,Unstables " Everyone was yelling and I smiled

"x1 with Seth Rollins, x1 FCW Champion and 2x Queen of FCW."

"There I met 3 amazing persons.April Jeanette Mendez AJ Lee',Nicole Garcia-Colac and Brianna Monique Garcia-Colace Nikki and Brie Bella which I should add they were my trainer too along with Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns,My brother and obviously  Danny Daniels"

"Later In 2011 William Regal offered me a contract to join NXT and I entered as Tay Black but then something happen that was going to change my life.My friend/trainers had all left and I was all alone.That's when I changed for who I am now.But There was something that for others was a mistake but for me hell no.In the word came a beautifull girl that I am not ashamed to call her my daughter."I said and saw Trixy coming near me running.I moved away from the mic and went and spin her around and carried her on me.

"I am not ashamed to say that I have a daughter."I said and everyone clapped.

"4 years later I have found the 3 person that I lost."And a tear came down my eyes.I whiped it off and continued.

"But I can't forget why I am here.I was the second youngest longest NXT Women's Championship Region.I held it for a year and 12 day.No diva or even superstar has ever reached that level."I said and put Trixy down.

"I can't finish without thank some people.I want to say a big thank you to all my fans who believe in me if it wasn't for there support I wouldn't be her,Thank you to Charlotte and Bayley.I always had them behind my back with any decision I make so thank you girls love you"

Seth Rollins baby sister(Dean Ambrose story)*Completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora