Chapter 87

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*Diandra POV *
*Week later*

This week was awesome and so prefect.Finally after 5 weeks of relationship Jon and I are an onscene couple as well.I was excited about it and not to mention the WWE univers loved it so much.Although I turned heel they loved me even more.I have turned onto every Diva but it is part of being heel.

I was laying in bed with my handsome man.I just couldn't believe it he I mine.

"You OK."He told me and kissed my nose and I giggled."I love your giggle."

"Yeah I am ok it's just I can't believe it's like I don't know."I told him and he looked at me and he didn't understand."Sometimes I feel like I am in a dream.I have been in WWE for 6 months now and a lot of things happen in just a few days mum,Auntie May, Colby,Saraya,Linda,Trixy,

"Mhm interesting I am in that list."he said and he moved me closer to him and I giggled

''It's just what I have been going through is not only effecting me it's effecting everybody close to me.I am so so scared that every decision I will take is affecting others and I can't take it."I said and barred my face in Jon's chest.

"Kitten please don't say that. Everyone loves you.I love you. We are going to be there and face every situation that get ahead us together.Me and you are strong and the most craziest couple ever."He said and that made me smile.

"Notting is going to stop us."He told me and kissed my lip

"Jon."I told him

"Yeah?"he said

"I have to tell you something but please don't be mad at me."I told him and he nodded."Well you remember that I smoke."

"Yeah and you stopped."He said

"Actually I didn't stop."I told him and he looked at me

"What do you mean."he asked me on a serious tone.

"Well I told you that I did and I did but I could keep up without them.I tried so hard not to take them.I really tried but I couldn't control myself."I told him and he looked away.He got up from bed with his back facing me"Please Jon don't get mad.I am sorry."I told him.

"Di why did you tell me.I told you that I am going to be always there to help you."He told me

"I know but I was scared."I told him crying a bit.He came back to bed and hugged me.I rested my head on his chest and he rubbed my back

"Hey hey no crying."He told me while lifting my chin and whipped my tears."Tell me this do you want to stop."

"Yeah but I can't."I told him

"Do you want to stop."He asked me again and I nodded

"Yes."I told him

"Don't say that you can't because that will never lead you anywhere.I am going to help you OK."He told me and kissed my forehead

"I love you Jon."I told him

"I do too forever."he told me and we started making out.I really love this guy so much but we were interrupted by my phone ringing.I pulled away from Jon and got my phone.

"Strange unknown,"I said and picked it up

"Hello beautiful."Someone said

"Who is this."I said then I heard someone crying

"Let's seen it's start with M."he said

"Why are you Calling."I yelled

"Why don't you go to Colby's room and take a look at Trixy's room."He said and hung up

"Babe what happen."Jon said but I ignored him and went to Colby's room

"Colby,Colby,Colby."I said while knocking on the door then he opened

"Why so-"he said but I stopped him and pushed past him.

"Where is Trixy."I told him and he pointed at the door.I opened the door where Trixy was staying but she wasn't there

"No!!"I yelled as I could I fell to the floor and cried

"Di what happen."Colby said and came down near me.Now everyone came in the room."Wait Where is Trixy."Colby said

"Matt Matt took her.What am I going to do."I yelled

"So that who called you."Jon told me.My phone starred ringing again and picked it up

"Oh don't cry Trixy I help you."Matt said.I instantly got up from the floor

"What have you done with my baby."I said yelling.But all he did was laugh"Matt what have you done."I yelled again

"Notting I just want to spend time with my daughter."He said laughing and I could hear Trixy crying

"No you didn't want to be part of her life now you want to be with her."I told him still yelling

"I changed my mind."He said

"Matt tell me where is she." I told him

"Let's see no she is my daughter too."He said

"No she isn't she is mine all mine."I said

"Well you can't do anything.Why don't you call your mummy" He said and started laughing."Oh wait she is dead or better murdered and poor daddy of yours got the blame."

"How do you-You killed them didn't you."I told him

"Well you still are a smart ass." He said

"What have my family done to you."I said almost crying.

"Notting I just want you to burn down I want you to suffer."He said"I am going now don't try calling the police because I will send you the pieces of your wait I mean our daughter."he said and hung up

"Matt I swear if you touch her-Matt Matt."I said but he hung up and started crying

"What did he tell you."Joe asked

"He told me that if I call the police he will send me Trixy's pieces."I said and cried harder. Colby came and hugged me hard while the others where planning something."Col dad didn't kill mum and auntie."And he gave me a confused look."Matt killed them."

"What."Everyone said

"They died because of me how can I live with myself now I lost the persons that I love because one mistake I did."I said.I pushed Colby away and everyone in the room and started running away.

We were in Charlotte Carolina and I don't know well this place but I grabbed our car and starred to drive.I found a park.I pulled there and went in.I was walking and thinking but I know I need help.I grabbed the phone a called the person that will help me for sure

"Hello Harry."I said

"Diandra long time no see how are you dear."He said but I started to cry."Dear what's wrong."

My ex boyfriend stole my daughter."I said

"Tell you what to do come to my house and we talk OK." He told me

"OK Harry I will be there in a few hours."I told him hung up and drove to Harry's house

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