Chapter 63

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It was going to be a 30 man battle Royal the people in it are Dean Ambrose,John Cena,Sheamus, Chris Jericho, Christian,  Ryback, Kofi Kingston,R-Truth,Goldust, Darren Young,Tison Kid,Alberto Del Rio,Jack Swagger,Big E,Randy Orton,Kane,Cm Punk,Daniel Bryan,Zack Ryder,Dolph Ziegler, Cody Rhodes,Luck Harper,Erick Rowen,Jey Uso,Mark Henry,Big Show, The Miz,Bo Dallas,Damien Sandow,Santino Marella.

The first person that was eliminated was Damien Sandow by Bo Dallas.He was so angry. Everybody was working together to eliminate Dean but he was strong.Then Dean eliminated Cody and Punk.

"Wooo."I shouted and made everyone backstage look at me but I didn't care that's my best friend there.I want him to win it he deserve it.

Then Dolph Ziggler was eliminated by Dean and John Cena was eliminated by Big Show.Big E eliminated Randy Orton, Kane eliminated Darren Young and Luck Harper, Erick Rowen eliminated Jey Uso,Mark Henry,Big Show and Miz eliminated Bo Dallas.Zack Ryder was elimina by Dean.Sheamus eliminated Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan.Christian and Ryback eliminated Santino Marella and Kofi Kingston.R-Truth eliminated Goldust,Tison Kid was eliminated by Alberto Del Rio,Jack Swagger and Mark Henry were both eliminated. Actually they eliminated them self.Dean Eliminated Sheamus after they both were fighting each other.

*Half way to the match*

There were 5 people left Dean Ambrose,Miz,Big Shown and Kane

"Come on Jon."I shouted.

"Can you calm down."Nick told me

"Are you saying these because he eliminated you."I told him and he glared at me

"Calm down seriously and stop fangirling"Colby said

"I can fan girl all I want"I said and I continue shouting

Then I saw Kane and Big Show fighting each other. Dean stood there without doing notting Then Miz attacked him.Dean gave him the Dirty deeds and knocked him out and took advantage and eliminated both Kane and Big Show. The crowed went wild then as Miz saw that he got up started attacking him.

"Diandra Diandra."A backstage producer yelled and I looked at him."Go out there interapt the match by kissing Jon now."

"What"I said confused but I did what he told me.

I went running out as everyone saw me they started yelling my name. The boys saw me and stopped fighting.I went in the ring looked at both of them and kissed Dean.He didn't stop and continued with me.I broke it of and looked at him while went back to backstage.Dean was still shocked.Miz took advantage and start kicking him but Dean Closed line him picked him up and trowed him over the rope.The referre ring the bell and gave the belt to Dean.

I waited backstage for him to come as I saw him I went hugging him and he spin me around

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I waited backstage for him to come as I saw him I went hugging him and he spin me around

"You won you won Jon.I am so happy for you.You deserve it."I told him still hugging him he did too

"Thanks kitten and what was that kiss."he told me confused

"I really don't know they called me the last minute."I told him

Seth Rollins baby sister(Dean Ambrose story)*Completed*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ