Chapter 80

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I went to my locker room and then the girls came following behind.Got my gear and went to change

"Oh come on Dids it's not that bad

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"Oh come on Dids it's not that bad."Nikki said while I got out and I gave her my scary look

"Yeah imaging you without John Nikki or you Trin without Jon,You Nattie without TJ,Ari without Vincent,Maryse without Mike,Gabby and Teah without Joe and Nick can I continue."I told them and they looked at each other

"Yeah what are you doing."The girls said and I had my thinking face

"I don't like that face." Ariane told me

"OK guys here is the plan you are going to district your boys while I am with my boy and-"I said but I didn't notice that the door was open and the girls where pointing behind me."And they are behind me aren't they."And the girls nodded as I turned around I saw the boys."Dam it."

"You think you can out smart us."Nick said

"Well let's see.I smarted all of you guys."I said and the girls laughed

"But not this time."They said

"Diandra Rollins to the gorilla."

"Well see about that."I said.

"Jon Did you want to say something to your girl." Mike said with a smile but I didn't loose time and slapped him."Bitch"I said and before I left I hugged my hound dog and everyone laughed

"You deserve that."Maryse told mike with her French accent

I went to the gorilla and waited for my theme song

"And From Davenport Iowa she is The forth member of the shield Diandra Rollins." Eden said and I got out and the crowed cheered.I made my way to the announce table and kissed my daughter because she was staying The whole Raw with King and then I went to the ring

The ref rang the bell and I went running to Adam.I started attacking him non stop.

"Get off me you bitch." Adam yelled covering covering his face

"No."I yelled but he gave me a kick in the stomach. Then he gave me a bulldog and went for the pin but I kicked out on two.

He grabbed my hair and then slammed me to the mat.That hurts so much. Then he started dancing around like a foul.

"Adam seriously don't know with who is in the ring." King said

"I know king that's my mummy."Trixy said and the crowed went oooooo

I got up and stood behind Adam waiting for them to finish dancing as he turned around I introduce him with a drop kick and went for the pin but he kicked out on 1.Then I locked him in a neck lock but he escaped then he gave me the Choo Choo(Running bronco buster,with theatrics)and again he went for the pin but I kicked out again.I got up and he was going to give me a close line but I duck in a split as I got up I ran to the rope and gave him a close line (The one like Dean)

''Oh my Lord did you see that." Jerry,Michale and JBL said

"That the same close line as Dean Ambrose."Michael yelled happy with the crowd

Then I went for the pin but he kicked out as he got up he gave me The Party Foul (Snapmare driver) and I was knocked out cold. he went for the pin but I was lucky to kicked out. Everyone was speechless. Adam was getting angry then I got up went in the corner and waited for Adam.As he turned around I gave him a spear.Then I gave him my boyfriends finisher the Dirty deeds.And the crowds cheer. he was teaching be while I was training this past 2 weeks. Then I went for The curb stop and then The sweet kiss and I end up winning because he tapped out

"Here is your winner by submise Diandra Rollins." Eden yelled and the ref lift my hands.I got down and went for the mic

"You see cubby bunny you can't win over me.I am the most dangerous Diva/Superstar ever."I yelled dropped the mic.And Trixy came running to me and we went together backstage skipping

"As they say like mother like daughter."JBL said with a smile

"Mummy that Dirty deeds was perfect you did it better than Daddy."Trixy said and I laughed

"No she doesn't."I heard Jon argue with the others

"Hey."I said and they came hugging me.

"That was one hell of a match."Maryse told me and hugged me

"Told you Adam is going to pay and why my hound dog is arguing." I said

"Hound Dog?''Everyone said

"Well I am his kitten and he is my hound dog."I said and everyone smiled and Jon came hugging me

"Well your hound dog was angry because we told him that you did that dirty deeds better than him." Randy said and I laughed again

"Not funny."Jon said crossing his arms

"No I am laughing because Trixy has just told me the same thing."I said still laughing

"Uncle Colby."Trixy yelled and went on Colby.Then me and Jon stand next too each other with our hands behind our backs.And I was exploding slowly

"Will you excuse me for a minute."I said and went to my locker room and started screaming

*Colby POV*

Diandra is about to explode in a second

"Will you excuse me for a minute."Diandra said and went to her locker room

"In Three two one."Me,Jon and Joe said and Diandra started  yelling and we need to hold our ears because she was loud. then she came back

"I am cool."She said

"No your not."Jon said

"I just want to kill someone." Diandra said looking at us boys

"Kill him."Us boys said pointing at each other

"Hey Byron."Mike said

"Hey guys."He said waving at us but then Diandra went near him and slapped him then Trixy stomped on his feat

"Ouch.What just happened." Byron said and Jon laughed

"Those are my girls."Jon said and they bowed

"Excuse her Byron."I told him and he nodded while waking away

"Dids you are giving your daughter a bad influence."I told her

"Colby she watch me wrestle for God sake." Diandra told me.She grabbed Trixy's hand and they both walked away


"She is right."Jon said

"You are obviously going to agree with her."I told him while the boys still laughed

Seth Rollins baby sister(Dean Ambrose story)*Completed*Where stories live. Discover now