Chapter 82

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*Next morning*
*Diandra POV *
*11:30 am*

"So do you want to go out tonight just me and you.It's been 2 weeks since we went out together"Jon told me as we were cuddling on the bed

"Mhm.Let me think."I said teasing him

"OK than."He said and started tickiling me

"Oh no tickiling."I said but he didn't stop

"What is going in here." Colby said

"Your pretty little sister is teasing me so I started tickling her."Jon said to Colby

"Go ahead I don't mind."He said laughing."But don't shout Trixy is still sleeping" Colby whispered

"OK ok I go out with you tonight."I said out of breath.

"That's my girl at 9 is good." Jon said and I smiled and nodded.I got up from bed to go to the bathroom but Jon smacked my but.

"Hey that's private property."I yelled and he laughed.Then I got a text from April

We are going out wanna join.See you in 10 minutes

Trouble maker
I didn't say yes.But you gave me no choice but I need to be back by 9 and you are going to take babysit Trixy because I have date with my my hound dog ;)

Ooo ;) .See you babe xoxoxo

Trouble maker
See you xoxoxxox

I went to my room and changed in some casual clothes.Some black bra crop top,a shirt skirt with a black jacket.I brushed my hair,I did some glitter lipgloss, eyeliner and mascara then I went to Trixy's room and saw her sleeping with her two teddy bears and I smiled.Then I went near the boys

"*Whistle*Mhm I like if you dress like that at night

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"*Whistle*Mhm I like if you dress like that at night."Jon said licking his lip and Colby slapped his head

"Ouch!!!"He said holding his head

"Pig."Joe said

"I agree with you."I said and we all laughed except Jon."Oh come on."I told him and went near his ear and I whispered"I make it up to you tonight promise."And his eyes light up and had a huge smile on his face

"What did you tell him." Colby asked curious.

"You are too young to understand."I told him while Joe and Jon laughed

"So where are you going." Jon told me as he came behind me and putted his hands around me and I hold his hand

"I am going out because my sister in law forced me to go."I said and rolled my eyes.

"What about out date tonight."Jon asked

"Don't worry I will be back by 9.But now I have to go before April explode me."I told them and they laughed

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