Chapter 67

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"Mummy!!!!"Trixy yelled and jumped on me "You are super woman."

"Calm down tiger."I told her and she laughed

"Congratulations mum and uncle you did awesome." Trixy told us"Even you uncle Mike."

We went near the others and they congratulated us as they saw us.

"You won baby girl."Bellas told me

"Thank you girlies."I said

"Great job Didi you were great out there and that curb stomp on Jimmy was epic."Josh time me and I was laughing because Jonathan was standing right behind him

"Thank you for your support dork."Jonathan said and slapped Josh head and we laughed

"Great job Dids and you too Jon that was one hell of a match.But next time Di take it easy that curb stomb really hurts." Jonathan said

"Oh sowwy Jonny boy."I told him and he laughed and jumped on him and hugged him

"Nice match Di."Trinity told me we high fived each other and we did a girly hug

"Great job Teddy bear." Colby told me hugging me and as I did Trixy started moving

"They are coming hide me." She yelled

"Who is coming"Jon said

"Them."She said pointed at 3 girls.

"I found you Trixy."

"No Murphy I found her"

"No Aurora I did"

"OK girls don't fight."Jon told them and as they saw him they freaked out

"Oh my god Dean Ambrose." The three girls yelled.Jon went down to there size

"Wait aren't you Stephanie and Hunter's daughters right."Jon told them and they nodded

"Yes they are and we were playing hide and sike."Trixy said

"I am Aurora Rose Levesque and I am 9 years old.I Like everybody in the roster but I am a big fan of you Dean and you Diandra but I really hate that witch of Paige."Vaughn said

"You are so inteligent."I told her and high fived her and hugged her

"I am Murphy Claire Levesque and I am 7 years old huge fan of you Dean and Daniel Bryan."Murphy said

"And she is Vaughn Evelyn Levesque she is 5 but she is the shyest from all of us.And she loves everybody especially you Diandra." Vaughn said and I smiled

"Hello sweetie"I told her and she smiled

"Hi."she said in a sweet voice

"Murphy,Aurora,Vaughn what have I told you about disterbing people."I heard Stephanie say

"Steph it's ok they weren't disterbig us."Natalya told her

"So are you happy now"She told the girls and they nodded "Because they were dying to see everyone especially you Diandra and Jon."

"Yeah I figured that out."Jon said rubbing his head and we laughed

"What have you done." Stephaine said putting her hands on her hips

"They didn't do what every girl does.They started shouting."Jon said and Stephanie laughed a bit

"I should have warned you."She said

"So Di we were thinking we go to party tonight."TJ said and the others nodded

"I don't know guys what about Trixy."I told them

"Di if you want I can take Trixy with my she can stay with the girls and she can sleep over too."Stephanie told me

"Rix what do you say if you have a sleep ov-"I said but she cut me off

"Yess I wan to stay with Murphy,Aurora and Vaughn."Trixy said and Stephanie smiled

"You can't say she isn't yours."Stephanie said

"Yeah I heard that so many times now.Ok then I preper her luggeges so she will be ready for tomorrow."I told her and she nodded

"Mummy so Rixy is going to stay with us."Murphy said and Stephanie nodded

"Yeah."The three of them said

*At the doctor*

"Di tomorrow as you arrive in Boston go to hospital so they can read you the X-Ray I already contact them so they know about you." Dr.Eddie told me after he took the X-Ray

"Thank you Dr.Eddie."I said and left

*Back at the hotel*

"OK Trixy be good to auntie Stephanie and Uncle Paul OK don't give them trouble and do as they tell you."I told Trixy while I packed her things

"Yeah mummy I will,"Trixy said hugging me.Then there was a knock on the door it was Stephanie

"Ready."She said and I nodded I hugged Trixy hard and I watched her go and I started crying

"Why are you crying.'' Someone said and I saw April,Nikki and Brie

"Oh you scared me."I said"I miss her already guys."

"Come on Di only one night come on"April told me

"You know you have your life too because you are a single mother doesn't mean you have to let Go of your life.You got to have fun sometime."Brie told me

"You know Brie is right girl come on cheer up we are going to have fun and go on Brie mode,"Nikki said and I smiled

They are going to dress me like they always do because they love it hehe and to be honest I let everything in their hand.

Seth Rollins baby sister(Dean Ambrose story)*Completed*Where stories live. Discover now