Chapter 28

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I went out happy and smiling.How couldn't I be.Man I was going to have the biggest match of my career against Stephanie McMahon for crying out loud!!!

I went to my locker room to dress.I grabbed a blue bra and a matching panties.I wore a blue and white Jersey and a fluffy skirt

I brushed my pink long hair and made it into to pigtails

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I brushed my pink long hair and made it into to pigtails.I wore my blue,White and pink Chuck Taylor's and lace it up.I made some soft blue and pink eye shadow,eyeliner, mascara and a bright pink lipstick.I looked into the mirror one time and went out.

I went into the catering where everyone was.As they saw me they started cheering and clapping

Me:Hey guys what do you think.

I said spinning around

Jon:Oh god you look.God it's so hot in here.

He said whistles and made wind with his hand I just chucked

Nikki:Oh pumpkin you look sexy

Brie:Yes you do

And they hugged me and we did our signature high five

Natalya:oh muffin you look lovely as always

Ariane and Trinity:Damm girl.

And we made a buty bumb


And Trinity slapped his head and I laughed

John:I think I am changing my mind for sure.

And Nikki glared at him


I punching his hand and hugged him

Daniel:love your style.

Phill:Ohhh that cloths oh my god

Joe:Baby you look lovely as always

Miz:That's my girl.

And he kissed my cheek

Colby:I am not sure.Are you going out there like that.

In a serious tone

Me:Col I am not 17 anymore

Colby:Yeah but-

Me:Col I will always be your baby sister no matter what.

I told him and went to hug him hard and kissed his cheek

"You have always made the best of both word with your promos."Joe told me

"Thanks bro."I told him

"And when you started to destroy Stephanie's office God that was epic." Natalya told me and I chuckled

"So why did you challenge Stephanie to a bra and panties match."Ariane told me

"Are you fucking kidding me I can't wait for that match."Jon said with a big smile

"I wonder why."I said while the others laughed

"What all the girls love me." Jon said.While Colby and Joe looked at me and started laughing

"Ok don't open your mouth guys."I told them hoping

"Don't worry but it was epic what he said Every girl love him."Colby said

"What happen."Everyone said

"Nothing."Colby,me and Joe said.

Then Eric came for Jon because Mr.McMahon wants him.

"Where are Linda,CJ and Diandra"I said

"CJ took them to see AJ's match live."Brie said and I nodded

"Speaking about Diandra did we hear right."Nikki told me

"Depends what you heard"I said

"You are really going to adopt Diandra."CJ said and I nodded

''I don't know how anyone can hurt you or break you. You are a very helpful young woman." Trinity told me and I lowered my head

"Hey what's wrong."Colby told me and I remembered 3 years ago.

"And here is your Winner AJ Lee."Josh Matthews said

"I better go."I told them

"Okay good luck."Everyone told me and hugged me

''I guess my luck is with me."I heard Jon said smiling

"I don't understand."I said confused

"I'm going to be on your side for your match in case Hunter gets Involve."Jon told me

"You see your wish came even better."I told him and he laughed

We went to the gorilla and saw that Stephanie was already ringside with of course Hunter

We went to the gorilla and saw that Stephanie was already ringside with of course Hunter

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"I'm glad Vince told you to come with me."I told you

"I'm glad to."He told me and kissed my cheek.I wish that I could tell him.

I went out and as they saw me with Jon oh wait Dean they started screaming.I did my signature entrance but before I entered I saw CJ, Linda and Diandra and went to hug her then I made my entrance which is go on top of the ring and raise my right hand and then I make a 360 backward spin and land on my feat.

I looked at Stephanie and she looked at me.Then I shouted at the referee to start the match and he did.

She run to me but I put my led out and she trip.

"Oppsy."I said putting my hand on my mouth.I grabbed her by her hair and slammed her head to the mat.The crowd was getting wild even Dean.I took the chance and took of her shorts and threw it out of the ring.Everyone started yelling.Then Hunter came to the ring and started to argue with the referee to district me.Dean went running and knocked him off the apron.But that was late because Stephanie gave me a super kick and gave me a pedigree and took of my Jersey.And now I only had my bra and skirt on.The male in the arena started to shout very loud.I don't blame them,It's not everyday that you see a woman with only a bra. Anyway she is going to pay very hard.She was laughing because she thing she beat me

''Haha I just took of your Jersey"She told me and laugh

I fist my hand and punched her hard.I got the chance to took of her top but I didn't.I gave her a diving high knee and she fell down.Then I lift her up and gave her a Paroxysm(Swinging lifting inverted DDT).Dean was cheering for me and making the crowd go wild. She got up and slapped me. The crowed Went ooooo I just smiled.Then I pushed her,She pushed me back but then I gave her a close line and then went for the Triple rolling vertical suplexe.She stayed there without moving so I got on top of the rope and delivered the moonsault. Now she was flat on the mat but started to get up a bit. But I bounced on the ropes and gave her my famous brother finisher which is also mine the Curb Stomp. Then I skipped round the ring and went down and took of her top swing it around and drop it outside.The bell rang.Dean came inside and hug me and the referee putted my hand as the victory.But then The light went of and on The monitor there was a picture that I never thought it would be.

Seth Rollins baby sister(Dean Ambrose story)*Completed*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu