Chapter 91

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*No one POV*

"Ms. please get out of the room."The doctor said and Saraya went out"Ms.Lopez can you hear me."

"Where am I."Diandra said

"You are at the hospital." The doctor said

"Why?And why is my hip is hurting."Diandra said in pain

"That's because you was shot"The doctor said

"What do you remember." The doctor asked her

"I remember I was with Matt and he was hurting me that I got Trixy that's all. Wait Trixy." Diandra said panicking

"Ms.Lopez calm down Trixy is fine don't worry."The doctor told her and she sight in relief

"OK we are going to make some test because this is not normal for someone who was dying stayed alive"The doctor said

"I was dying."Diandra said and the doctor nodded

They make the test and saw the results

"The results are all positive and thanks god your hip should be heeling soon."The doctor said then he continue looking at the papers and stopped "Ms.Lopez did you know that you are pregnant."and Diandra was shocked and shock her head.

"I am pregnant."Diandra said touching her tummy

"To be exactly your on your 2nd week."the doctor told her

"Is the baby OK."Diandra said worried

"Yeah you are so lucky that when you got shot the baby was on the other side."The doctor told her

"Thanks God."Diandra said

"OK so I better go tell the people outside that you are OK."The doctor said

"Can you not tell them that I am pregnant please."She said and the doctor nodded

*Colby POV*

I am heart broken.I can't live without my girl.She is my life what am I going to do without her Everyone was sad and silent for once.

"Guys."Saraya said happy and crying."Diandra woke up."

"What."Everyone said and got up on his feet.Jon was going in but Saraya stopped him

"Jon you can't they are making some test."Saraya told him

"What happened exactly." John asked

"I told her that I am sorry and explained why I did that to her and when I was leaving Diandra took a breath and woke up" Saraya said and everyone hugged each other.I was crying hard.My baby isn't leaving us

Then the doctor came out. "Ok Ms Lopez is fine, even the test they are positive. She sure is a fighter but I think you should go in because she is asking about her daughter."Doctor said and we went running to her room

"Mummy."Trixy yelled and jumped on Diandra"Why did you leave me."

"I couldn't let your dad hurt you can I."Diandra told her hugging her

"But you got hurt."Trixy said

"I would die for you baby." Diandra said and kissed her forehead

"Baby."Jon said and cried on her."I love you so much but next time listen to Harry and don't go alone inside please."And he kissed her

"I love you too Jon but I was scared I wouldn't see her again. And you know that I am hard headed"Diandra said

"Yeah I know."Jon said

"Teddy bear.Oh my god how are you feeling.You got to quite scaring me."I said

"Colby grandma and Kayla were with me.They took care of me. Grandma also told me that she don't want to see me again until a very long time."Diandra told me while I was hugging her

"Now all it matter that you are OK."Jon told her

"Guys I really need to tell you something."Diandra told us and we nodded"Well I don't know how are you going to take it but the doctor told me-"but Nick stopped her

"Don't tell me you still going to die."He said worried

"N-"Diandra said but I stopped it

"Di I would do anything but don't die please."I told her hugging her hard

"First calm down and get off me.Second I am not going to die and third I am pregnant."Diandra said

"Your what."We said

"I am pregnant"Diandra said

"So I am the father"Jon said

"Let's see no Mike is the father." Diandra told him

"What!!!"Everyone said and Jon looked at Mike angry

"Di."Mike yelled and Diandra laughed

"No silly Obvious you are the father"Diandra said."I hope that you aren't mad or leave me be-"And Jon stopped her and kissed her hard

"Can you tell me why you putted me in."Mike said

"Because you came first in my mind and because I love my Micky mouse."Diandra told him

"Oh I missed you calling me that "He told me and hugged her

"So that means I can call you that."Diandra told him

"*Laugh**Serious*No"He said

"Don't care I still calling you that."Diandra said and stuck my tongue out

"Diandra is back."Everyone said cheering

"So I am going to have a sister or a brother."Trixy said and Diandra nodded. "Yeyyyyyyyyyy."

"Ok so why didn't you tell me you are pregnant and is the baby OK."Jon said touching her tummy

"I didn't know so how could I tell you and the baby is fine."Diandra said

"Congratulations Di."Me, Nicole,Brianna,April,Bryan John Mike Layla,Matt and Nick told her and hugged her

"Hey no congratulations for me.The baby is mine too you know."Jon said and we laughed

"Tell him congratulations because he won't stop." Diandra said and we laughed more

"Congress Bro."We told him

"Sar."Diandra said and looked at her."Aren't you going to congratulate us."

"I don't know if you would accept it."Saraya said calm

"Come here I missed my snow dark witch."Diandra said with a smile

"And I miss my Fireball so much."Saraya said smiling too and Diandra opened her arms.Saraya went and hugged her hard and she cried"Congratulations Fireball and you too Jon."

"Oh my I am going to be an uncle again."I said happy

"Not only an uncle."April said

"Ha?"Everyone said

"I am pregnant too."April said

"Really."I said and she nodded.I hugged her and spin her around and gave her a long big kiss.

"So I am going to be an aunt."Diandra said and April nodded.

"Awesome.So we can take care of each other,go baby shoping,even to the doctors oh and many more." Diandra said

"Yeah but take it easy."April said and we laughed

"Oh God."Me and Jon said fist pump there head

"She is not going to stop." Saraya said

"How do you know."Bryan asked

"Because I knew about Trixy because Diandra had told me but I promised not to tell."Saraya said

"Oh so how long does she have like this."Jon said whispering but he didn't whisper enough

"Hey."Diandra said elbow him

"Sorry babe."Jon said.

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