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Authors Note: I posted a picture of Colton Haynes (actor from Teen Wolf, I hate that show but there is a lot of hot guys on it) whom will be playing Shane. There was a lot of drama in the last chapter, with Carter and Phoenix and then, Audrine and Phoenix. Do you think Phoenix has a right to be mad at them? Tell me what you think.

|Chapter 13|

On Saturday, I set on my bed with my feet in Kylie's lap as she painted my toenails a pretty maroon color.

Kylie's cell phone was blaring out the lyrics to "Love Song" by 311. Kylie only ever listened to alternative rock/indie music but I didn't mind, it was good stuff.

"Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again

However far away, I will always love you
However long I stay, I will always love you
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
I will always love you."

I asked, "So how are you and Samuel?"

Kylie's mouth formed a cheesy smile, "We're good. Do you think it's too soon for me to introduce him to my parents?"

I rose an eyebrow, "Your parents? The ones who really only want you to be with other Japanese guys?"

Kylie nodded with wide eyes, "Yeah, those parents."

I laughed, "Well, I wish you luck with that."

Kylie's eyes squinted as she studied her nail painting job. She was a bit of a perfectionist but I didn't see any flaws in her work.

Kylie shrugged, "I don't know, I think once they meet him, they'll really like him. He comes from a good family and he's nice and has his future planned out already. So why wouldn't they?"

I gave an encouraging nod, "True." I had only met Kylie's parents twice but they were extremely intimidating, so I wished Samuel the best.

I asked, teasingly, "So when are we going to officially meet him?"

Kylie grinned, moving my legs off of her since she was done painting my toes. "Soon."

Kylie threw the polish into a box and slid the box back underneath her bed. We hid a lot of things underneath our beds, there simply wasn't enough room in here.

My phone dinged, letting me know I had a text message. I almost didn't want to check it but I grew a pair and clicked on the message. I gave a sigh of relief as I saw it was from Shane.

It read: Tonight, you and I are going on a date. I refuse to take no for an answer.

I smiled. Shane had asked me out last weekend but I had declined because of Carter but now, what was stopping me? I had a decent guy who wanted to treat me right and actually take me on a date, so why not?

I texted back: Alright. I have a game today but say, pick me up at 8?

Shane texted: I shall be there. (:

I texted him the address to my dorm and then turned to Kylie who was glued to her phone as well.

I smirked, "So, looks like I'm going on a date with Shane tonight."

Kylie's face perked up, "Phoenix, that's awesome! You need a good guy, someone who's going to respect you. Guys in the marines are supposed to have good manners, right?"

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