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Authors Note: Are you guys ready for this chapter? I do not think you guys are ready for this chapter. I know I've been creating quite a few all rainbows and unicorns and happiness chapters but that's about to end. Soooo yeah. Enjoy! (-; oh, and the picture posted is Ace's new cute, boo- Nick whom will be played by Nick Roux.

|Chapter 22|

After an entire day of the best kind of 'exercise', I was exhausted to say the least. Carter and I both had ridiculously high sex drives which was a curse- in the fact that we were both always busy and a blessing- in the fact that when we did have sex, it was like a non-stop amazing, sexathon.

But I tried to push the thoughts of yesterday away as I stood on the tennis courts, warming up for a game against Notre Dame. It was reluctantly a home game and all my friends and my boyfriend were able to come watch me play.

It was a cold, cloudy day but with the adrenaline buzzing through me, I didn't even feel cold.

Audrine and I played first, it was a close match but we ended up winning. Then I had my singles match and I had been victorious there as well. I was grateful I had managed not to fuck up in front of Carter again, I didn't want him to think I was actually terrible at tennis.

After we finished all the matches, our coaches had a congratulatory speech with us and then we scattered to go chat with our friends.

Ally appeared out of the crowd first, giving me a tight hug and exclaiming, "You did great out there!"

I laughed breathlessly, "Thank you."

Then Jess and Jade appeared, Jess gave me a pat on the back, "Good job, princess."

Kylie appeared, giving me more praises. We all stood in a circle and I glanced around for Carter. Where was he?

In the mist of the crowd, I suddenly saw two very familiar faces.

I screeched, "MOM? DAD?"

They both turned their heads toward me and began speed walking toward me. I met them halfway and attacked them with hugs.

I pulled back and stared at their smiling faces, "Oh my god, I can't believe you guys came! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

Mom stood with two hands grasped around a burgundy, leather purse that clung to her side. Her brown hair was laid straight across her shoulders and her makeup was light. She was wearing a pair of denim blue jeans and a navy blue 'Go Panthers!' tennis t-shirt

Dad stood with his arms hung loose at his side. His brownish-grayish hair was slightly messy as if he had pulled on some of it while watching me play, which was probable, the matches could get intense for dad sometimes. He wore a dark green shirt, advertising the dentist company he worked for and denim blue jeans as well.

Dad grinned, "We wanted to surprise you."

I giggled, "Well, consider me thoroughly surprised. What did you guys think of the matches?"

My moms eyes glistened with happiness, "Oh, honey. You were wonderful, as always. I don't know where you got such athleticism from but.."

Dad interrupted, "Hey, I played football in high school!"

Mom stifled a laugh, "Oh, yes. How could I forget. Hmm, oh, I know. Probably because you set on the bench the whole time."

Mom and I both laughed and dad growled at us, "Fine. Mock my athleticism, whatever. I'll get you guys back for that."

Dad wrapped his arm around mom and planted a kiss on her cheek. They were adorable.

Jess, Jade, Kylie and Ally finally met up with us. Ally smiled, "Carol, Peter! It's good to see you guys."

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