¡Dios mío

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Author's Note: I posted a picture of an ocean. Hmm, wonder what that means? Lol. Don't you wish you were there? Ugh, it's so gorgeous. And if you're not fluent in Spanish, much like myself '!Dios mio' means 'oh my god'. It took me almost a month to get back in the feel of this story. Oops, so sorry about that. It's also a fairly short chapter. I feel that I'll be wrapping this story up shortly because I'm just ready to move on and explore other things but yeah, hope you enjoy it.

|Chapter 25|

After a boring week of midterms and strenuous tennis practices, I was more than ready for spring break.

Carter had told me to keep my schedule clear so even though I had been invited to 3 different places, I had politely rejected everyone.

Ally invited me to join her and her sorority sisters to go to Panama, Florida with them which I would've liked except for 1. I wasn't single and they were likely to be partying and having sex with strangers the whole time and 2. Those girls were just too damn perky and happy for my liking.

Then, Jess and Jade are going to New York City for 5 days and asked if Carter and I wanted to come with them.

Lastly, the tennis team prompted me to join them for a trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina which would've been enjoyable. But I had said "no" to all, in hopes that Carter had something better planned for us.

Friday evening- I made my way over to his apartment for 'the surprise' he had been withholding from me all week. It had literally been driving me insane. Besides him having a secret from me, we were doing pretty good since the meltdown over the weekend.

I knocked on his door a few times before Carter opened it. He engulfed me in a tight hug, squeezing the life out of me.

I giggled as he released me, "Damn, did you miss me that much?"

Carter grabbed my hands and smiled brightly, "Yes. I'm so excited you're here so I can finally tell you our plans for spring break. I'm really not good at withholding such big news this long."

Carter pulled me over to the living room couch, his giddy expression never fading from his face. My stomach swirled at the possibilities, who knew what he was planning.

Carter turned toward me and cleared his throat, "Okay, so I'm going to give you clues and you're going to have to guess."

I groaned, "Carter! Seriously?"

Carter nodded, "Yep. Are you ready?"

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help from grinning, "Yes."

Carter rubbed his hands together and stared at me, "Okay, so there's an ocean next to it."

Ooh, okay. That's always a good thing. I was dying to get away from cold, Pittsburgh.

Carter continued, "It's not in the U.S."

Oh god, he's taking me out of the country?! I bit my bottom lip and began bouncing slightly on the couch.

"Spanish is the official language."


"And it's somewhere you've always wanted to go."

I screamed loudly, jumping up from my seat, "MEXICO?"

Carter stood up in front of me, beaming, "Yes! We're going to Cozumel, Mexico!"

I shrieked like a crazy woman and jumped in his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist.

I pulled back to look at his face, "You're serious?"

Carter nodded, "I'm serious."

I screamed once more and hugged him even tighter.

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