Double Date

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Author's Note: I posted a picture of Kylie's boo, his real name is Avan Jogia (Known for acting on the show Victorious as Beck) but he will be playing Samuel in this story. It took me a little while longer to update than usual, but then again this chapter is longer than usual so hopefully that makes up for it. And 4K reads!!! This is insane guys, thank you so much. Xoxo.

|Chapter 18|

Kylie and I jogged around our room, getting ready for our double date. It was Kylie's idea, I was weary about how it would all turn out but I did want to meet her boyfriend, Samuel and she wanted to officially meet Carter, so whatever.

I stood in front of the mirror, filling in my eyebrows and recapping Kylie about my weekend. Although, today was Thursday we hadn't had much of a chance to catch up this week.

"So I ended up staying at Carter's all weekend."

Kylie gave me a curious look, "So I'm guessing that bet with Jess is over."

I laughed, "Oh yeah, way over. We had sex more times than I can count. He's just so good at it."

I moved on to applying my eyeshadow, while Kylie stood behind me, smirking, "Tsk tsk."

I shouted, "Hey, don't judge me! I'm sorry I don't have the strong will to wait six months like you do."

Kylie looked down at her feet, "Actually...."

I rose an eyebrow. Did Kylie break her six month rule?

"I was thinking about lowering it to three months. I'm getting too impatient and he's just so beautiful." Kylie bit her bottom lip, looking off into the distance thinking about her man candy.

I giggled, "Three months is a good enough wait, I'd definitely lower it. Is he cool with the whole waiting thing?"

Kylie sat down on her bed, sliding a pair of boots on, "Yeah, he's been totally cool with it. Sometimes our makeouts get a little intense and I can see it bothers him when we have to stop but he respects my wishes."

I grinned, "That's good. A lot of guys won't in this day and time."

Kylie agreed, "That's true."

I finished up my makeup and put it in a cute, dangly pink pair of earrings. I turned to look at Kylie, whom looked adorable. She was wearing a white and black polka dotted dress with a white cardigan, black tights and black boots. Her hair laid in a side pony tail and she was wearing her square framed glasses tonight, she alternated between wearing glasses and contacts.

Kylie had an alternative/indie/vintage style, you never knew what to expect from her, I loved it. I usually stayed within the girly, mainstream fashion look.

Kylie chirped, "You ready to go?"

I nodded and we called a cab to pick us up. We were meeting the guys there; we were going bowling. I was pretty excited, I hadn't been bowling in years.

We arrived fashionably late due to me but hell, winged eyeliner takes some time to do.

Carter and Samuel had already appeared to make themselves acquainted, sitting down in front of our bowling lane and chatting.

Carter looked up to see me and his face lit up. My cheeks grew warm just knowing that he was excited to see me.

Carter and Samuel stood up, meeting us half way. I smiled, "Kylie, this is Carter. Carter, this is Kylie."

Kylie chirped, "It's nice to meet you."

Carter agreed, "Yeah, you too."

Then Kylie moved on to her introduction, "And Phoenix, this is Samuel."

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