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Authors Note: I posted a picture of Cara Delevingne above ^^ because that's who I picture Jess as looking similar to.

|Chapter 8|

Five days went by with no contact from Carter. I had no idea what was going on. When I seen him in class, he'd turn around and give me a smile but that's it. He didn't wait for me after class Tuesday nor Thursday. I was beginning to give up hope on the crazy idea that I could actually have a thing with Carter Sanders.

What was I thinking? Or an even better question, why had Carter led me on?

I sat in my dorm at 6 o'clock on a Friday, writing a paper for my Topics in Non-Fiction: Newspaper class. After thirty minutes into my paper, there was a knock at my door.

I yelled, "Come in." One day I was going to regret letting anyone at my door come in. But there was typically only 3 people, besides me that entered this room.

The door creaked open to show Ally.

I smiled weakly, "Hey."

Ally closed the door behind her and set down on Kylie's bed whom was out doing a study group.

Ally knew by my expression but asked anyways, "Still nothing?"

I shook my head, tapping a key on my laptop a little too hard.

Ally pursed her lips, "What is up with that? That's fucked up. I'm sorry, P."

I shrugged, "It's whatever."

Ally tried to look on the bright side, like the positive person she was, "Well, at least Shane texted, right?"

Shane had called me on Tuesday and we talked on the phone for an hour, we did vibe pretty well and we were still texting each other. I liked him, he was a cool guy but... I don't know.

There was just something about Carter, I was hung up on him and I didn't want to let go. But maybe I needed to. I mean, we have an awesome make out session and he says he wants to hang out with me and then nothing?

I nodded, giving a pathetic attempt at a grin, "Yeah."

There was a few moments of silence, then I set up and slammed by laptop shut. I rolled my eyes at myself, "I'm being so fucking lame, sorry. Let's do something, yeah?"

Ally nodded, eagerly and put a strand of her light brown hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I'm free for the night. So you can have my undivided attention."

I reached my arms out, as to say get over here and give me a hug.

Ally gave a short laugh and set down on my bed. I wrapped my arms around her, "Thank you."

Ally half-smiled, "No problem. Now, do you wanna go out or stay in?"

I thought for a moment, "Well, since there's practically a blizzard outside. I'm gonna go with stay in."

Ally gave a short laugh, "Alright. Netflix and popcorn?"

I moaned happily, "Yes, please!"

Ally stood up, taking her leather jacket off to reveal a girly, pink dress that flowed out at the waist. "I'll go pop some popcorn in the lobby, be back."

Once Ally returned with a giant bowl of popcorn, we turned on my flatscreen TV, turned on my Xbox and then scanned through Netflix, looking for a movie.

We decided on "Stuck In Love" and cuddled up to each other; single bitches have to stick together.

Midway through the movie, my phone dinged, letting me know I had a text. I picked up my phone to see 'text message from Carter Sanders'.

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