Guys Are Idiots

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Author's Note: Are you guys ready to finally know what happened to Carter? I'm sure it won't be anything you were thinking of, if so, props to you because we might have similar brains and that's neat. I wanted to prolong your agony and wait awhile before posting this chapter but I'm officially on summer break and have nothing else to do but to write, so here you go. Also, posted a picture of Kylie, aka Nozomi Sasaki. Enjoy!

|Chapter 24|

Carter's eyes blinked open and a smirk appeared on his face, "Hey babe."

I walked closer to his hospital bed and grabbed his hand, "What happened to you?"

Carter's left hand patted his stomach as he sighed, "I had a bit too much to drink and had to have my stomach pumped."

I released his hand immediately and stared at him in disbelief. Was he fucking kidding me?

I clenched my teeth as I spoke, "Please tell me you're joking."

Carter looked up at me with confusion written all over his face, "Why would I joke about that? It was awful, Phoenix."

I shrieked, "I thought you had fucking died, Carter! Or at least been seriously injured. That damn nurse called me and wouldn't tell me anything except that you were in the hospital! I was worried sick."

A flash of guilt flowed through Carter's brown eyes, "Oh, I didn't know. I told her to call you but I thought she would've told you..."

I continued yelling, "No, she didn't fucking tell me. I rushed all the way here because you brought pain upon your own stupid self? God, you're such an idiot!"

A nurse suddenly rushed through the door with a nervous look upon her face, "Excuse me, could you please keep it down in here? This is a quiet zone."

I rolled my eyes and waved her off, "Yeah, yeah. Sorry."

The nurse looked between Carter and I for a moment, before walking out.

I set down in a chair and began rubbing my temples.

Carter breathed loudly, "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. But on the bright side, I'm okay, so that's the important thing, right?"

I wanted to smother him with a pillow. He had spent the night partying and having a dandy good time, while I was up half the night trying not to cry about him. Then he has a nurse call me to come here and what for? He was perfectly fine.

I shook my head, "I just cannot even believe you right now. Your complete insensitivity amazes me."

Carter scoffed, "Insensitivity? Really? You're the one who doesn't even give a damn that her boyfriend has been through hell and back this morning."

I let out another scream, "And who's fault is that?!"

I quickly covered my mouth. I didn't want that nurse to come back in here and scold me.

Carter twiddled his fingers and muttered, "Yeah, it was my own stupid fault but you could still show a little bit of compassion."

I sputtered, "Yeah, right. Where was your compassion yesterday when I had to sit at a dinner table boyfriendless while my parents went on and on about Jess' new boo thing? My parents got to meet Jade, before they got to meet you. Do you know how frustrating that was?"

Carter closed his eyes and didn't speak for a whole 60 seconds. Carter confessed quietly, "I wasn't ready to meet your parents yet, Phoenix. Okay? I was scared."

I stared blankly into his eyes, "Scared of what?"

Carter motioned with his hands, "Of all of this. I'm so scared that I'm going to mess this up and lose you that I end up just making a fool of myself 90% of the time. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know the right things to say. I'm not good at all of this. And meeting your parents just seemed like such a big step and I was scared."

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